It's never really over.

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The lid of my link retreats from view, and my mind felt far fresher than it did a minute ago. When somebody leans over me and screams in my face my eyes widen.
"Get the fuck up!!" They yell, grabbing the front of my red tank top and hurling me up.

I practically fall out of the link, and that's when the anger kicks in. I spin around on my heel and raise my fist, swinging it onto the man's cheekbone. He falls back, landing on the link beside mine and gripping his face.
The area very quickly began to go red and make his eye water.

Bastard deserved it.

These people were murderers, they deserved more than a punch in the face.

More people very quickly surround me and before I can turn around to give somebody else a seeing to, my arms were pinned behind my back.

The joint in my shoulder being pulled violently makes me hiss and Grace continues screaming. I continue to writhe, trying to struggle out of the soldiers vice grip.
I cry out when somebody kicks the back of my knee, and I get sent to the floor.

Grace was being shoved away, and she dug her heels into the ground in order to stay put. But her struggle did nothing, she was still forced through the doorway.
Jake was flung over a man's shoulder, and he looked simply spent. He wasn't struggling, he just looked exhausted, disappointed, and over this shit.

Me too Sully, me too.

When the man behind me lift me by my arm and pulls my feet from the floor, I kick and kick trying to escape, but they continue walking and I get carried through the door behind Jake.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!!" I promise, stopping my struggle to pant and stare at the man with the grip on my arm.
He grits his teeth, and I see his lip twitch while he tries to gain composure.

Eyve could be dead. I had left him in those fires defenceless and unconscious, unless for some God given reason we had been found, I see no reason why my avatar and E would be complete ash by now.
The least I could do for these men was slaughter the shit out of them like the pigs they were.

The last thing they would see was my god damn blade going through their chest.

The two men practically throw me into a room with a glass door, similar to the one I had been held in before. This time I was with my family.
Grace was stood up, pointing at the men and screaming in their faces.

They simply turn around and walk away, and the door slides shut suddenly behind me. "Grace." I exhale, moving to her quickly and embracing her. I hide my face in the crook of her neck and hold back impossible tears.
She felt like home. I had not been with Grace for too long, there was only so long I could go without her considering she has helped me through everything.

She pulls back, holding my face and bending down slightly to meet my eyes. "Tell me everything."

So I do. I sit with her on the bench for hours speaking about what happened, how I couldn't find Eyve, how I had a plan to help everyone, how Eywa helped me. At first it took a lot of convincing to tell her that Eywa's emotions were connected to my own.
But that was a given, not everyone accepts it like Eyve did.

She asked a lot of questions, when I was finished. Asking whether E was alive, what happened with the Thanator, where my avatar was.
Most of which I did not have answers to. But I tried my best to reassure her. I did not want her stressing. Not after the day we have had.

We were not physically tired, obviously, it was not our bodies doing the work. But our minds were on the edge.
I had a throbbing headache and have had several waves of nausea since my link in progress was suddenly interrupted. That would do that to you.

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