Too hurt for anyone but you.

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I was in and out of consciousness for a while. All I remembered was falling while we walk to the site we used to call home, then being painfully lowered down by Grace and Norm. 
My stats were improving, and the bleeding had somewhat stopped, other than the occasional movement that pulled open my wound, I was good as new. 

The link I was settled in was keeping me in comfort as my body tried to stitch itself up. Grace had fed me antibiotics she rummaged for in the site and now I was well on my way to sleep again. 

"Jake, we can't make them any angrier." That was Grace's stern voice if I've ever heard it. 

I kept my eyes glued shut so I didn't interrupt their conversation. I was 90% they didn't need my input. They were both completely capable and would shout at me if I got up to help anyway.

"We can't leave them to die." He grumbles through his teeth, trying to keep quiet.

He was right. But so was Grace. If we played this wrong they would die. There was only so many scenarios were we got this right.

If Jake said the wrong thing, we were fucked. If Jake said the right thing, they would survive, but at what cost?
And what would he say?

'sorry I got your house blown up'? That didn't exactly patch things up.

Even if by some miracle he did say the right thing, he would probably be stuck in a life-long loop of swapping bodies to live his second life.
It would tire him out a lot more than being paralysed would.

"They won't die! You have to stop underestimating them. They are fully capable of surviving, they did before you came along." Grace raises her voice and I struggle to keep my breaths even.

"They can't now, not if Quaritch is after them." Jake's voice sounds desperate. He doesn't have the energy to shout back at Grace. 
He just sounds spent. 

I hear her sigh and shuffle, then she responds. "You can't do it by yourself." She mumbles. My interest peaks and then it hits me. I could help them. The clan trusted me a hell of a lot more than Jake and I could convince them. 
Me and Eyve could convince them. 

If I just explained to E what happened, he was bound to understand. We trusted each other, even if he didn't trust Jake. 

My eyes open slightly and I try to sit up. But when my hip bends even slightly, I grunt and fall back down. Grace and Jake immediately look over to me. "Belle, lay down." Grace says, pressing a hand to my shoulder. 

"I'm helping." I say quietly, ignoring the acidic bile that lingered in the back of my throat from my last attempt to move. I knew they'd say no, but I'm afraid it was tough. 

"You're too weak." Grace immediately responds. Called it. 

"I'm fine, the bleeding isn't too bad. My body is still functioning, so will my mind. I can link." I push the point. Even if they disagreed, I'd find a way to help anyway. There was no way these two could stop me. 

"No." Grace says again, daring me to disagree once more.  

Instead of arguing, I look at Jake and share a look with him we have shared before. In that one glance we have an entire conversation. 

'I will help'

'What are you going to do?'

'Get you a way in'


'You'll  find out'

He furrows his brow and I turn back to Grace and feign a sad look. "Fine." I lean back into the blankets and cross my arms. Grace nods before walking away with Jake on her heels. 

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