New Menagerie

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New Menagerie(known officially as the Republic of Menagerie or ROM), is the unitary republic located on the subcontinent of the same name. Its capital is Kuo Kuana which is also its largest city, with several smaller and emerging settlements located on the coast and deeper inland. Menagerie is the de facto 'home' of the Faunus species, who dominate political and economic policies. The country is Remnant's first democratic republic, having been established by Ghira Belladonna, along with support from the United States, Canada, Mexico and NATO.

 The country is Remnant's first democratic republic, having been established by Ghira Belladonna, along with support from the United States, Canada, Mexico and NATO

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Capital: Kuo Kuana

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Capital: Kuo Kuana

Largest City: Kuo Kuana

Official Languages:(before NATO arrived) None.

Official Languages:(after NATO arrived) English, French and Spanish

Ethnic Groups: Faunus, American-Humans, Canadian-Humans and Mexican-Humans

Religion: Unanswered

Demonym: Menagerian

Government: Federal republic and Parliamentary democracy

Executive: Chieftain(before NATO arrived)

Executive: Prime Minister(after NATO arrived)

Legislature: Council

Upper house: Senate

Lower house: House of the Committee

Currency: Lien, US Dollar(USD), Canadian Dollar(CAD) and Mexican Peso(MXN)


Founded: June 18, 2033

Founded: June 18, 2033

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