Ch 9: Hello bitches!! NATO & SATO are here!!!

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A/N: This takes place after the Beacon dance.

Zure's Pov

Myself, other Rangers and SDF are on the USS Doris Miller with both NATO and the new SATO troops.

Myself, other Rangers and SDF are on the USS Doris Miller with both NATO and the new SATO troops

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What surprised us was that SATO was once humans, but they are now Faunus. They also they were attacked heavily during their war and both sides thought they perished.

Anyway, right now we're nearing Mountain Glenn. And myself and many others......we're scared.

Like really scared. I mean, clearing out and liberating SDC mines left and right for months wasn't scary. But being deployed to a city where Grimm are everywhere. That's terrifying.

Even some of the Rangers who were once White Fang members are scared.

Ilia:*scared* Calm down, Ilia. Remember your training. Just.....stay calm...

Yuma:*panicking* What if....What if I run out of ammo or when I have to reload? Or if my entire squad or unit is overrun? Or maybe-

Cpl. L/n:*walking up calmly* Say you guys alright?

Me: Just......scared is all. I mean we're being deployed to MT. Glenn of all places.

SSgt. Flukey: True. But we faced an army of them on both the East and West Coast. We took out a giant Whale Grimm.

When he said that and the last part. I could almost hear a pin drop from the silence every Ranger and SDF made.



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Ranger:.............You serious?

Canadian Sailor: {Yep!} Blew those bastards to dust! Also a reminder that Earth weaponry can easily kill Grimm. Hell, I heard one of us a Russian, faced a Usra with only brass knuckles and won.

Some of the NATO troops chuckled at that.

2ndLt. Towson: Or when Dav faced a Deathstalker with a only a Ka-Bar knife and won in only 5min!*chuckles*

A lot of the NATO troops laughed and a quick "Your damn right!" from 2ndLt. Fernandes.

Sgt. Tanaka: Or when a former Gurkha used his kukri to kill a Nevermove while it was flying and before she jumped on it she screamed out "COME AND FIGHT A GURKHA!!!!"*laughs*

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