Ch 20: One....

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3rd Pov

We open up to a farmer's house in Anchorage, Alaska as he stepped out for fresh air after watching Yang & Weiss vs Coco & Yatsuhashi.

Farmer: Damn. Blondie sure knows how to kick ass.

Suddenly, he sees both Canadian and US fighter jets fly by fast and also sees a bullhead shot down.

Farmer:*shocked* Oh no.....

The farmer runs back inside as his wife and kids see the tv make a sound he heard since the day he was drafted.

The US EAS Alarm.

A second later, he heard Air Raid Sirens.

The farmer looked at his wife as she nodded. She leads the kids to the basement and heads straight to a military footlocker. She opens it and grabs two M27s assault rifles and a couple of mags.

She turns to her children and kisses their foreheads.

Farmer's wife: Stay here. Your Uncle Kane's spirit will protect you three.

As she went upstairs, she sees her husband and tosses the AR to him.

Farmer's wife: Like old times. Huh, Yuri?

Yuri:*loads mag* That's right Lucy. Let's make sure Ivan's Marines legacy stays.

Meanwhile. The satellite locates Ramstein A.F.B., NMSDF Air Force Headquarters in New Menagerie.

Ramstein AFB: This is Ramstein! We're under attack!

Overlord: Roger – we are aware of the possibly Grimm attack and are sending Menagerie Guardsmen and Huntsmen units your way.

Ramstein AFB: Not the Grimm! We're under attack by Atlas, SDCs ground and air forces!

Overlord: Say again, Ramstein. What do you mean Atlas and SDCs forces?

The satellite tracks the Atlas army and SDCs from Atlas moving in all across to attack both Vale, American and Mexican cities.

Ramstein AFB: Some of the Atlas army and the entire SDC Security force! Request immediate assistance!

On the beaches and streets of Kuo Kuana. We see both Military Police, NATO troops and Menagerie Guards stationed at New Menagerie defend the beaches and streets from both SDC Security personnel and Atlas army. AK-200s were mostly on the frontlines taking more of the hits.

1st Sgt. Rodney: Keep hitting 'em with the Two-Forty Bravos and Mike Sixty! Get more men moving on the left flank!

Cpl. "Dick": Move your asses up! Go! GO!

Menagerie Guard: Right!

Canadian Ranger: We're taking too much Fire!

Military Policewoman: Incoming! Take cover!

SDF: We've got wounded!

SDF Ranger: Wounded man coming through!

1st Sgt. Rodney: Step up those mortars!*to his radio* Overlord, this is 1st Sgt. Rodney. Requesting airstrike, over!

Overlord: Uh, negative 1st Sergeant, all available air units are currently tasked with multiple air defensive missions protecting NATO, Vale, MT. Glenn, Alaska, Mexico City and DC.

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