The Three Main Leaders & Prologue

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"If a man has done his best, what else is there?" — General George S. Patton

US President Lincoln Clinton

Age: 39

Year elected: 2032

Term: 2032-present


CA Prime Minister Jacobs Major

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CA Prime Minister Jacobs Major

Age: 28

Year sworn: 2030

Term: 2030-present


MX(Mexico) President Angel Jorge Santos

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MX(Mexico) President Angel Jorge Santos

Age: 40

Year elected: 2030

Term: 2030-present


After WW3, the United States, Canada and Mexico's leaders had a meeting with the other leaders of the North American continent decided to have a alliance with each other as they are one of the surviving countries after the war

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After WW3, the United States, Canada and Mexico's leaders had a meeting with the other leaders of the North American continent decided to have a alliance with each other as they are one of the surviving countries after the war. The newly elected US President decided to call themselves NATO, as a way to respect the former alliance. But, instead of Atlantic. It's North American Treaty Organization.

Lincoln: It's more like a starter alliance as most if not all other countries are either nuked, completely bombed, uninhabitable, radiation from said nukes and now man-made disasters from said war. Remeber, we are also/still getting refugees, POWs, resources and weapons from said countries.

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