C3. The change for peace is now

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Anthony's Pov

Menagerie is the quote-un-quote 'home' of the Faunus species. A subcontinent just south of the Kingdom of Mistral thats two-thirds of hot desert, and packed to the brim.

The island was given to the Faunus as a gift by humanity along with equal rights.

What equal rights?

To Remnant humanity, it seemed like a fair deal as the Faunus earned their place in the world. To the Faunus and Earth Humans finding this out, it was a slap in the face from sore losers. As the years went by, the kingdoms tried to confine the entire Faunus population here.


All in an attempt to undermine the equal rights they were given. Like I said, what equal rights?

In doing so, the Faunus Rights Revolution began, which the Faunus won, and the White Fang was formed to protect their rights.

But then, Ghira Belladonna, the White Fang's founder and first leader opted to step down. His resignation caused a shift in the ideology of the White Fang.

The new leader, Sienna Khan aka SK opted to use more threatening tactics. Violence and fear to earn what they want to be specific. Yet despite such morally fucked up tactics, Sienna knew when and when not to fight.

But other members with in the Fang, more specifically a certain RedBull. Had other ideologies.

Ghira, now the Chieftain of Menagerie, was sitting in his office with his wife Kali. Sitting across from them are myself, Dav, the US President, the Canadian Prime Minister, and the President of the United Mexican States of UMS for short.

Earlier today, several members of the Faunus Militia noticed our helis and boats heading for Menagerie. At first many assumed we were Atlas, which raised a lot of eyebrows on our part because that info is new to us.

Anyway, they thought we were those guys with the intention on kidnapping their people for slave labor.

THAT we knew about. And now Jacqass and many like him are now on NATO's top 10 most wanted Dead or Alive.

However they wrong, instead it was a diplomatic mission from a us main three NATO members and a Grimm SnD. To Ghira, it was an unexpected surprised, but being the peaceful man he is, it was welcomed nonetheless.

I forgot to mention that two members of the Menagerie Guard are also here. Which is the Guard Doggo and some  other guy idk.

And good thing the three leaders are fans of the show and many others are cause we got an offer of a lifetime for them

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And good thing the three leaders are fans of the show and many others are cause we got an offer of a lifetime for them.

PM Major:...And that is what we can offer. That is if you sign the treaty Mr. Chieftain.

PM Jacobs Major, said after explaining the terms of the treaty. Keep in mind I didn't listen all the way.

Ghira removed his reading glasses before rubbing his chin in deep thought probably, staring at the papers. He then looked up at us.

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