Ch 11: The interview....

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A/N: Warning ⚠️ this chapter will describe some messy shit and guro with a side of torture. You've been warned ⚠️

3rd Pov

In a CIA/FBI underground bunker/prison for Remnant's Most Wanted in the US.

We see a dark room with someone tied to a chair and only one light on.

Then light came in from the door of the room revealing the CIA Operator and revealing who was tied to the chair.

It was Cinder Fall.

She sighed before walking up to Cinder and staring at her for a few seconds, raising her foot and slamming it on her left leg. A loud snap was heard and she watched as Cinder jolted awake and screamed a bit as the bone from her shin was broken.


CIA Op:*smiling & cheerful* Good day to you Ms

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CIA Op:*smiling & cheerful* Good day to you Ms. Fall.*serious* Your superior, who is it?

She asked calmly and seriously.

Again. It was almost too calm in Cinder's opinion; this wasn't a woman, it was purely machine at this point.

To Cinder she doesn't know how long she was locked up and tortured. All she knows is to take the pain in silence and wait for them to slip up. It would have been easy for her if she wasn't naked, missing a left eye and her left arm literally ripped off.

Cinder: Oh? Are you curious? Too bad, you haven't been very polite again. I'll only tell you if you actually start showing some proper manners.

Cinder grinned through the pain.

CIA Op:...

The CIA Op stared at her before bending down and gripping the broken leg. She watched as Cinder's eyes widened slightly before she started to slowly pull the broken, ripping skin and muscle. A strained cry and gasp met her ears but she paid no mind to it. With a sudden jerk, blood gushed from the open wound and she twisted the bone violently, snapping it even more. She grabbed a bandage and tightly wrapped the wound before gripping the jagged bone she snapped off.

Blood caked her gloves as she inspected it, rotating it every so often before looking back at her victim. A few seconds of deafening silence went by before she suddenly stabbed Cinder in her left eye socket. Like a wet balloon, it burst open and gushed copious amounts of blood all over her torso.

A scream echoed in the cell. The CIA Op just griped Cinder's head and kept it in place while she slowly started to twist the bone, creating a disgusting gushing noise.

CIA Op: Who?

The CIA Op asked calmly, digging the jagged shin bone even further.

Cinder: T-Try harder...

Cinder calmed down and laughed in agony.

The CIA Op just stared at her before slamming the back of her head against the wall of the cell and ripping the bone out. She went to a bag she brought and fished through it, bringing out some isopropyl, before walking back to Cinder. She gripped her hair and jerked her head back before flicking the cap open and pouring the alcohol onto the open wound.

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