Ch 24: We have not.....

217 10 34

3rd Pov

Yang looked at her missing arm.

And the memory of the two flashing back and forth. Back and forth. Back.......and......forth.

Yang:......After I recover. I'm joining the US Marines.

Both Taiyang and Summer looked at Yang with faces of shock. However, Ruby and Blake....

Blake: And after I recover. I'm joining either the Great White Fang or the SDF Rangers.

Blake said as she looked outside to see Zure and Ilia tearing up as they found the rest of their unit. In bodybags.

Her parents were shocked and surprised at this.

Ruby: And I'll join the US Army Rangers.

Taiyang and Summer exchanged worried glances as they listened to their daughters' declarations. They understood the determination and desire to take action, but they were also concerned for their safety. They just had experienced the horrors of war, and the thought of their daughters being in harm's way weighed heavily on their hearts.

Taiyang: Girls, we understand your desire to make a difference and protect others, but joining the military is a huge decision. It's a path filled with danger and sacrifices.

Summer: We've seen and heard the consequences of war firsthand. It's not something to take lightly.

Blake's parents, Ghira and Kali, also expressed their concerns.

Ghira: Blake, we've fought our entire lives for equality and justice, but we don't want you to put yourself in more unnecessary danger. There are other ways to make a difference.

Kali: Your safety is our priority now, Blake. We've already lost so much. We can't bear the thought of losing you too.

Ruby, Blake, and Yang exchanged determined glances, understanding the worries of their loved ones but standing firm in their resolve.

Yang: We've seen the consequences too, Dad. We know the risks, but we can't stand by while others suffer. We want to protect people and fight for a better world.

Blake: Joining the Great White Fang or the SDF Rangers is a way for me to continue the fight for justice and equality, just like you and Mom.

Ruby: And joining the US Army Rangers will give me the skills and resources to make a difference, just like my heroes.

Taiyang and Summer sighed, realizing that their daughters' minds were made up.

Taiyang: If this is truly what you want, we won't stand in your way. But promise us that you'll prioritize your safety and think carefully about the risks involved.

Summer: And remember that we're here for you, no matter what. We love you and will support you in your choices.

The room fell into a heavy silence as the weight of their decisions settled upon them. Each member of the group knew that their path would be filled with challenges and sacrifices, but they were determined to follow their hearts and fight for what they believed in. They would face the dangers together, supported by their loved ones and their unwavering resolve.

It wasn't only them. Many students and some adults thought about doing the same. The Atlas soldiers under Ironwood's command immediately started removing/destroying their Atlas logos and flags as if showing that they completely cut all ties with Atlas and THEIR military.

The students from Atlas did the same with either their uniforms or scrolls.

Ironwood sent Penny to Canada to be both fixed and upgraded.

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