Ch 22: ....for NATO

257 11 65

3rd Pov

Meanwhile. At the White House.

We see US President Lincoln Clinton being escorted by 15 Secret Service Agents(SSA) to the Oval Office.

Normally, he should be heading to the Presidential Bunker for safety. And only the most trusted SSA and US Marines know where it is, and the Director is usually with the group.

Lincoln:*secretly unholsters FN Five-seven* Why are we heading to the Oval Office?

SSA 1: Because you have a very video meeting with the councilmen and to help guide your military forces, sir!

Lincoln:*his eyes widen* Okay! Lead the way.

Lincoln: These guys aren't Secret Service. They're undercover Shadow Company troopers. I'll play along with them and the second I sit down at my desk. I'll say "Star!" and none of them say "Texas!" then I'm going to grab my hidden MP7 under my desk and take these assholes out.

As President Lincoln Clinton entered the Oval Office, he maintained his composure, concealing his suspicions about the Secret Service agents escorting him. He followed their lead, his hand gripping the FN Five-seven pistol hidden in his holster. As they reached the office, Lincoln took a deep breath, preparing himself for the crucial moment.

Lincoln: Thank you, gentlemen. I'll take it from here.

The agents nodded, positioning themselves discreetly around the room. Lincoln swiftly moved behind his desk, taking a seat as he observed the agents, ready to make his move. He initiated the video conference, connecting with the Congressmen, Senators and a few military leaders, all while maintaining a calm and composed demeanor.

As the preparations continued, President Lincoln subtly activated the silent alarm under his desk, signaling the trusted members of his security detail to be on high alert.

As the discussion progressed, Lincoln listened attentively, gathering information and assessing the situation. However, his focus remained on the agents in the room, waiting for the opportune moment to execute his plan.

Congressmen, Senators and a few military leaders took note of both his actions and the Group Chat saying, "I'm surrounded by UC Shadows with me. Act natural after I delete this message." The group played along with him.

He discreetly positioned his hand near the concealed MP7 hidden beneath the desk, ready to act at a moment's notice.

Suddenly, Lincoln decided it was time to test his suspicions. With a quick glance towards the agents, he spoke the predetermined code word.

Lincoln: Star!

Silence filled the room. Not a single agent responded with the expected reply of "Texas."

President Lincoln's heart raced, confirming his suspicions. In one swift motion, he reached under the desk and retrieved his concealed MP7 submachine gun, pointing it at the impostor agents.

Lincoln: Freeze! Drop your weapons and reveal your true identities you ungrateful fucks!

The undercover Shadow Company troopers, caught off guard by the President's quick action, hesitated for a moment. Realizing their cover was blown, they swiftly reached for their concealed weapons, intending to engage in a firefight.

But they were no match for the President's highly trained security detail, who burst into the room, weapons drawn, responding to the silent alarm. In a matter of seconds, the room was filled with chaos as the loyal security team engaged the infiltrators.

President Lincoln took cover behind his desk, providing support and guidance to his team as they neutralized the threat. The sounds of gunfire echoed through the Oval Office, interspersed with shouted commands and the shattering of glass.

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