C8: Cold War II

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A/N: This takes place after the foodfight.

3rd pov

With the meeting between Atlas, Menagerie and NATO now over, most of the world was now moving on with the events that had happened in the US.

Of course some were curious as to what had transpired.

The media claimed that a minor Grimm attack occurred near the so called US and Atlas decided to intervene, only for their "armed forces" to fight back severely. In reality, a corrupt Atlesian Air Fleet was tasking in kidnapping Faunus for slave labor and profit for the Schnee Dust Company.

This information was revealed by Patrick who was interrogated by both CIA Agents and Mexican Special Forces.

The small, unrecognized territory that Faunus earned in the Great War, now calling themselves the "Republic of Menagerie", was willing to fight back and destroy any Atlas escort if needed. Not even if the Atlas fleet could inflict any damage.

Now the Kingdom of Atlas was confused and angered(Jacqass) at the fact that the Faunus and their allies had an edge over them.

What else did they possess? They wanted to send a scout team or an undercover taskforce to investigate, but out of fear of what else Menagerie and NATO had up their sleeve, these plans were scrapped almost immediately. And because due to NATO caught on their plans via satellite, undercover agents and Atlas' terrible cybersecurity network.

Even a patrol cop from LA caught a radio frequency from Atlas.

Still, Atlas didn't feel all that threatened though. Now they wished too even the playing field, and quickly scrambled all their scientists and engineers to come up with schematics on a new fighter.

General Ironwood was inside the lab of one of Atlas' most prized scientists, Dr. Pietro Polendina. The old man was currently looking through several blueprint he drew up.

Dr. Pietro: They're still a concept, but they'll get the idea across.

Pietro said as he handed Ironwood the blueprints. The general looked at them a moment before closing them.

Ironwood:*mutters* A genius idea Pietro.

Ironwood: NATO's new airship will be a thorns in our side. While I don't see them as our enemies, we should be cautious. Years of torment are on their side.

Dr. Pietro: What do you plan on doing with the projects?

Ironwood: I plan on showing them to the Council. I will say they were your idea.

Dr. Pietro: Very well. If you would excuse me.

Ironwood: Of course.

Meanwhile in Argentina

President of Argentina Señora Buenos sat in her office as she spoke with the US Army 5-star general David Wilson and Captain Frank Riverton. Both wore the standard US Army dress uniform, complete with medals and ribbons.

President of Argentina Señora Buenos

President of Argentina Señora Buenos

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US Army 5-star General David Wilson

US Army 5-star General David Wilson

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Buenos: {So General and Captain.} What did you find in Atlas?

Frank presented the Commander-in-Chief with a file folder. Buenos opened it before putting on her reading glasses, she analyzed it with a calculating expression.

 Buenos opened it before putting on her reading glasses, she analyzed it with a calculating expression

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Buenos: {What the hell?} What am I looking at here?

Wilson: Our satellite surveillance has discovered Atlesian facilities up and running all over Solitas. Apparently they are designing a new type of fighter that looks similar to the F-86 Sabre. Apparently Atlas is trying to make a jet to counter our F-22s. And the F-14s we gave to ROM.

Buenos: How dangerous are they?

Frank: That's an early jet, it's far too outdated to be a threat to us and anything that we gave both SATO and ROM. And that thing will get shot by an AMRAAM before it even gets to combat range. Helicopters; Yes against transports could pose a problem, but many attack helicopters carry AAMs for dogfights in case a enemy fighter is engaging them. Ships; IF they attack trade vessels or civilian cruise ships, they're looking at a war crime.

Buenos: Hmmm. What about it's weaponry?

Wilson: From what we know from our UC agents; two twin machine guns on the nose of the craft.

Buenos removed her glasses before closing the file.

Buenos: Thank you for telling this. The best we can do now is continue monitoring this project of theirs. We will remain on schedule for the time being with NATO.

Frank: So what about the school dance and the plans to have Mountain Glenn be a base?

Buenos: You have mine and Lieutenant General Cole's full support.

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