Ch 26:.....TO DIE NOW!!

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A/N: ☝🏾The Union Army replace them with the Allies and CSA with Atlas and Shadow Company

3rd Pov

A few months later, we see Ruby, Janue, Ren, Sun, Sage, Pyrrha and Fox in basic training for the US Army. They stand together, surrounded by fellow recruits from all walks of life, each one eager to prove themselves and embark on their path as soldiers.

Drill sergeants bark commands, pushing them to their physical and mental limits. The recruits engage in rigorous physical exercises, obstacle courses, weapon drills, and combat training. The days are long and demanding, filled with sweat, sore muscles, and a constant drive to improve.

Ruby's speed and agility make her stand out on the training grounds. She navigates the obstacle courses with grace and determination, showcasing her natural talent for maneuvering through challenging environments. Jaune, although initially struggling, shows resilience and a strong will to learn, steadily improving his physical abilities and leadership skills.

Ren's calm demeanor and focus prove invaluable during the intense training sessions. He maintains his composure even in high-stress situations, demonstrating his ability to think clearly and act decisively. Sun's agility and acrobatic skills make him excel in close-quarter combat, effortlessly maneuvering through training simulations and impressing the instructors.

Sage's strength and endurance allow him to endure grueling physical exercises and maintain a steady pace throughout the training. Pyrrha's exceptional marksmanship and natural athleticism make her a standout recruit, earning the respect and admiration of both fellow soldiers and instructors.

Fox, despite being blind, demonstrates remarkable determination and resilience. He adapts to his new circumstances, focusing on upper body strength and combat techniques, proving that disabilities do not define one's capabilities.

Together, they support and motivate each other, forming a tight-knit bond within the training unit. They encourage one another through the challenges, celebrating each milestone and striving to become the best soldiers they can be.

As the weeks pass, their skills sharpen, and their confidence grows. They begin to embody the values of discipline, teamwork, and resilience that the military instills. Their journey through basic training serves as the foundation for their future as soldiers, preparing them for the trials and missions that lie ahead.

Amidst the rigorous training and the transformation from civilians to soldiers, they never lose sight of their ultimate goal: to protect and serve, to fight for justice and freedom, and to make a difference in the world.

Yang, Nora, Yatsuhashi, Scarlet, Arslan, Bolin, and Reese find themselves in the midst of basic training for the US Marine Corps. They stand among a diverse group of recruits, all with the shared goal of becoming Marines and serving their country.

The training is rigorous and demanding, pushing their physical and mental limits. Drill instructors shout commands, instilling discipline and teaching them the importance of teamwork and resilience. The recruits engage in physical conditioning, obstacle courses, weapons training, and combat simulations.

Yang's strength and determination shine as she tackles the physical challenges with gusto. Her fiery spirit and unwavering determination motivate those around her, earning her the respect of both fellow recruits and instructors. Nora's energy and fearlessness make her excel in combat training, showcasing her ability to adapt and think on her feet.

Yatsuhashi's towering presence and unwavering loyalty make him a formidable force in training exercises. His calm demeanor and focus enable him to approach each task with precision and determination. Scarlet's agility and quick reflexes make him excel in tactical maneuvers, while his sharp intellect allows him to strategize effectively.

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