Ch 13: Merlot's Experiment?!

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A/N: This takes place a week after the Victory Parade.

3rd Pov

We open to view of a Delta Force team on Merlot's Island at night.

DF Operator:*to his radio* This is Alpha 3-1. We just met up with the Rangers and Marines, over.

Overlord:*via the Radio* Copy that, Alpha 3-1. What's your visual?

Alpha 3-1: Sir, from the looks of it. It look like an airstrike or a heavy Grimm attack hit this place.

US Ranger: Negative.*he flips a body with his foot* These don't look like either us or Grimm. Guy has his whole chest open.

Canadian Marine: Yeah. We even saw some places where cameras were. Keyword; "were". It was like someone ripped it off.

Alpha 3-2: So something or someone did this?

SDF Ranger: Or some people.

Alpha 3-1: Right.*back the radio* Overlord, shall we proceed?

Overlord:*via the Radio* Affirmative. But proceed with caution and only engage if threatened. We need Dr. Merlot Dead or Alive, over.

Alpha 3-1: Copy, Overlord. Proceeding to the lab, out.

Overlord:*via the Radio* Overlord copies all, out.

As the troops walked in the creepy, corpses riddled and bloody smelling lab.

Mexican Marine:*gags* {My God, the smell. It fucking burns my nose.} What do think that Doc does?

US Marine: Read on the intel that he does-

SDF Ranger 2: Hold that.*her wolf ears move* Sounds like.......tearing....flesh..? And gunfire....screaming....and....crazed laughter...

Alpha 3-1: Could be our target. Double time it!

The three platoons and 4-man Delta Force team race to the source of the sound. Said sound was getting louder and louder. And more bodies were on the ground. Until they all stop at a large door.

Before they could even place breaching charges. The door was opened by a guard who collapses on the ground dead with a fist size hole in his chest where a heart supposed to be.

This shocked and scared the troops. Some of the UN Rangers and Marines nearly puked at intense smell of death in the room. As they looked inside and half of them dropped their guns in shock.

Brazilian Ranger:*shocked & scared* {Sweet. Mother. Of Mary.}

What they saw was if they just walked in after Angel of Death "work" during WW2.

Because that's how much guro it is and how fucked up it is.

Then they looked at the culprit who is holding their target's severed head.

Then they looked at the culprit who is holding their target's severed head

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