C4. New allies, New enemies & S.S.D.D

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<One month later, NATO Time and Date: June 25, 2033, 12:32PM>

Adam sat a desk within the White Fang's secret compound within the city of Vale. He carefully sharpened the blade of his weapon, Wilt when he heard his scroll going off. He placed it on the table and a hologram of Sienna appeared. Adam quickly got onto one knee, but also noticed that her attire was different, she had to letters on the jacket collar saying N.M, and she had an ever present glare locked right onto him.

Sienna is wearing the SDF's officers uniform

A/N: Since the US Army now has a new dress uniform and gave their old ones to the SDF

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A/N: Since the US Army now has a new dress uniform and gave their old ones to the SDF.

Adam: High Leader Khan...I wasn't expecting a call from you. I guess you're asking for a report of our operations.

Sienna:*pissed* Explain your actions, shitstain.

Adam:*looks at her confused* My. Actions? Wait, what did just call m-

Sienna:*shouting* Don't play that shit with me, Redbull!! I know you've been attacking our own kind to force them into our ranks! AND! I'm aware of your rumored plans to attack Beacon Academy and Vytal Festival! And most of all: I know you plan on staging a coup on my leadership.

Adam's eyes widened in fear and shocked. How'd she knew about that?! How? His expression then soon turned into anger as he glared at her.

Adam:*in anger* Your 'way' has outlived its purpose. The humans cannot just fears us. They must serve us. We were made to rule them!

Sienna: No.

Adam: Excuse me?

Sienna: I said, No. They will not. From this moment on. The White Fang and it's operations in the Kingdom of Vale. Are now disowned from the greater White Fang. Aka my Huntsmen and Huntress.

Adam:*shocked* WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!

Sienna: My close allies*quietly* and boyfriend. Have already arrested Corsac and Fennec Albec here in Menagerie. From this moment forward: We. Are. Enemies. So the next time we cross paths. Will be you in a bodybag.

Sienna then ended the call, as Adam went into a fit of rage like the mad bull he is.

Adam:*in rage* I can't tell the rest of my followers. This will be my secret and my secret alone.

<One month ago, NATO Time and Date: May 25, 2033, 11:32AM>

A crowd has gathered in front of the Belladonna Estate. Earlier that day, Ghira sent out a message to the people of Kuo Kuana that he had news that would change all of Menagerie forever.

When news of Adam's crimes reached them, they were all furious of the White Fang, especially with Sienna Khan. The latter then addressed the people, that she is announcing a disownment of Adam and the Vale branch of the White Fang from her loyalists. The crowd cheered in agreement, they never really like the White Fang's methods of violence, and simply wished to be left alone. She also mention that the New White Fang aka the Greater White Fang will be like Menagerie's very own Huntsmen. Or in other terms, Special Forces.

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