Ch 15: Flashback

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This is David's flashback to his, Anthony, Frank and Tammy's time in fighting in Korea during World War III.

David's Pov

A few days after the party. I see some SDF chatting with some Korean vets...........

Elm:*looking David concerned* Fernandes, you okay?

Me:*after a long pause* Korea. Fucking Ongjin.

Elm: Ongjin? This was during the war?

Me:*sighs* Yeah. I was part of the SOG unit led by then SSgt. Frank Riverton. It was recon on covert Russian activity in Vietnam.

Elm: What about that CIA girl and Towson. Were they in Ongjin?

Me: That CIA chick and Towson...*laughs* Yeah. Mrs. Blondie. That girl was an ice cube. Sometimes unreadable. I mean she was Delta.

I start remembering my time there. I think I was only 16-years old and illegally draft in a year prior and first met Ant when he was 18-years old.

3rd Pov Flashback

Ongjin, North Korea

Transmission# 4-5-1-4. Designate: NOVEMBER

S.O.G. team to investigate evidence of Russian involvement in North Korea.

Ongjin will provide support for operation.

Pvt. David Fernandes and Delta Force now CIA Agent Tammy Jones are already on the ground.

0900 hrs May 16, 2025

Zack Johnson:*on the radio* This is the psychedelic music shown at AFKN. I'm Australian Army Specialist Zack Johnson. Our APO here is 96309. If you send a request to that number, what we do is, we open it like this. When it arrives, we read it, pull out that CD, and play it on the air, like this one: "The Phoenix" by Fall Out Boy.

David and Jones are seen in a tent. "The Phoenix" by Fall Out Boy plays.

Jones: Riverton. He's here...

She and David walk out of the tent and see Frank. Frank is delivered by a Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk. Many other Helicopters are seen flying across the sky. He jumps off the vehicle and approaches them. Other Helicopters like a Bell UH-1Y Venom touch down to drop off Marines before lifting off again. One Black Hawk marked with the Red Cross as a MEDIVAC helicopter lands to collect wounded, and a CH-47 Chinook lands nearby to drop off more Marines and soldiers through the rear hatch.

Frank: Marine!

David: SSgt. Riverton! You look like hammered shit!

Frank: Looks don't count for shit in the battlefield. This is 'War, baby!

David: It's good to see you, sir.

Frank: Yeah, you too.

Jones: Tammy Jones, CIA. Thank you for your time, Staff Sergeant.

Frank looks at Jones disapprovingly and then back at David warmly.

Frank: Right...

Jones looks at David sheepishly as he just shrugs. They follow Frank to a M1161 Growler. They get in the Growler.

Jones: I've already briefed Pvt. Fernandes broadly about the situation.

Frank: Well. Let me fill in the blanks for you. *a US soldier starts driving as Frank looks back at David and Jones as he explains*.....Back in '22, the CIA gave up control of Covert operations in Southeast Asia. Handed it over to the US Military. From that, MACV-SOG was reborn. Now aside from being a base for the Marine Corps and Army, Ongjin is also our launching point for all cross-border activities. Mostly China, Russia and here....Missions are S&D, Sabotage, Black Propaganda, Strategic Recon, POW Rescue...

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