Ch 6: Negotiations & SATO

524 18 48

3rd Pov

New Menagerie SDF's F-14 "Phoenix" Squadron and Mexican F-15 "Los Sandmen" Squadron was performing a daily patrol over Kuo Kuana when they heard reports that a lone Atlas airship was approaching Menagerie. The fighters swerved in its direction as the ship approached them. Unlike the ship that attacked US last two weeks, this airship didn't have an escort. However a New York-class battleship was keeping watch as well.

SDF Pilot:*over the radio* Atlas airship, this is the NMSDF, state your business at once!

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SDF Pilot:*over the radio* Atlas airship, this is the NMSDF, state your business at once!

Atlas Airship Captain:*over the radio* New Menagerie Self-Defense Force, we're carrying diplomats who're here to negotiate for the attacks on your ally.

The pilots heard what she said before speaking.

SDF Pilot:*over the radio* Standby, Atlas Airship you're to stay in position. Until then. Send one dropship down with only the delegates and a few other personnel. We'll guide them in, over.

AA Captain:*over the radio* Understandable, out.

Soon a dropship departed from the airship and flew towards its destination.

Timeskip brought to you by undercover SF teams deployed in Vale

The Atlas Dropship landed where it was requested before Council members Camilla and Sleet exited. They were greeted by a somewhat large group of armed men women.

Kuo Kuana Metro SWAT

Kuo Kuana Metro SWAT

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