Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I came back from the bedroom from changing and I went to sit with Thulani and we watch some TV together. I really took my time being stuck in that room just to be able to get myself together before I come out and sit next to this man infront of me. 
“At what time are you going to work tomorrow?”,I ask.
“I will be working from home tomorrow”,He mentions.
“Are you your own boss at work?”,I ask looking at him. 
“I am not my own boss but I get to work flexibly at the comfort of where I want to work and when it is compulsory for me to be there. Working hard does get you those previlages”,He mentions.
“Thats nice”
“What are you doing tomorrow?”,He asks and I smile and shrug my shoulders.
“I don't know yet”
“We can go out tomorrow together since it will be sunny”,He mentions.
“I want to buy some hair dye as well”,He touches my hair softly.
Honestly speaking I only allow him to touch my hair anyhow because I do the same with his head.
“What colour for you want to do?”,He asks.
“What do you think will be suitable for me?”,I ask.
“Maybe the orange one?”,he suggests and I giggle.
“We will see when we are in store together”,I say.
“Let me go and dish up, I am hungry”
I stand up and go to the kitchen. I dish up the food and then I warm it up for the both of us. I make some juice for the both of us and when the food is warm I go and serve him the food before I go back to the kitchen to get mine and I sit with him. 
“I would like for you to construct a monthly list for the things you think are needed around the house”
“What do you usually do monthly?”,I ask.
He grabs the juice and he takes a sip and then puts it down and looks at me.
“I got what I thought I needed for the month food being included. I do have an alarm system set up around the house too but now you are here and might want to incorporate our needs together”
“I don't need much”
“Oh trust me baby you will need much”,I slightly frown.
“That you might need to add more of those things you showed me earlier”,He eats his food.
I am left with my mouth a little agape.
“I think those ones I have are enough”,I turn away from him feeling flushed.
“They won't be around for long”,He mentions casually and I look at this man.
What does he mean?
“What do you mean Ntaka?”
“You will find out soon”
“How soon?”,I ask.
“Let's finish eating and I will tell you”
“Okay”,We eat our food and we get done in no time.
I take the dishes to the kitchen and I quickly wash them. I don't like leaving dishes in the sink, they just pile up and it irks me alot. I get done and I put them to dry on the dish rack and I wipe my hands before I go to the living room and sit next to Thulani and look at him waiting in anticipation for what he wants to say.
“May I ask you questions from your previous life?”,He asks.
I nod my head.
“Yes you may”,He nods his head.
“Have you experienced much in terms of sexual context with your late husband?”,he asks.
“I have been sexual before”
“I know baby, I mean what do you know about sex. Let's place the biblical part of it aside”
“That it is enjoyable for two people when done okay”,I say.
“Okay”,He just nods his head.
“Why are you asking?”
“I just want to know what I am working with”
“Will it be a problem?”,I ask and he pulls me to him.
“No baby it wouldn't be. We will learn from each other as a couple”,he mentions and I nod my head. 
We stay in the position and watch some more tv.
It is the next day and I look at the outside of the car as some music is playing it is soft jazz and I am liking it and I have noticed this man loves it too.
“I need to learn this place quickly so I would be able to move around”,I say
“You will soon”,I nod my head.
We get to a supermarket in town and he finds some parking and we hop out of the car. He takes my hand into his before we make our way inside and go to where the hair dyes are being displayed. We get to the isle and we look at the shelf as there are different colours.
“I want to try the grey one”,I mention and he looks at me then my head. 
“Okay”,He takes 3 and pulls some shampoo and conditioner.
“I think you will need these too so that your hair doesn't break”
“Yeah this will be my first time dying my hair”,I say.
“Don't you want to do it at the salon?”,No I don't trust people with doing my hair. I only have selected people do my hair and only them.
“No thank you, I will read the instructions and try it out”,I say and he just nods.
We go to the paying till and he pays for my things and I thank him. This is something I am still getting used to. After that we leave the place and we go to the car and get inside before we drive off. 
We go around town doing absolutely meaningless shopping but I did get some few things that I liked like the scented candles and Thulani didn't for once complain when he was paying for all the things I found a liking in them. We went to eat some brunch together and it was beautiful as we ate at a restaurant that is by the ocean view. Another thing Thulani couldn't stop doing is taking pictures of me. I think he likes doing that all the time but I am not complaining at all really. We left that place and decided to go home and do absolutely nothing or maybe we can just go to my sewing room and work there. I love it so very much and I cannot believe that he did something like that for me. It feels so surreal to be quiet honest. 
“Today the sun is really out. I now feel sticky”,I mention.
Yes we have been going around and I have been sweating as we were going around but atleast there is airconditioning at the house.
That is what really cut our little trip short, well I am exaggerating a bit it is not that hot but you can feel the humidity around the clouds. I need to call my mother and see how she is and ask her for a church reference in this area. I want to start going to church and I will ask Thulani if he would like to join me too.  
My phone rings that moment and I take it out of my bag and answer it.
“Hello Mvelo”,It is Rethabile.
“Hi Rethabile, how are you? How is school?”
“The year is almost ending I just want to be in grade 5 already”,She mentions.
I giggle.
“How is your Gogo?”,I ask.
“Koko is okay, she just talks alot. I miss you, can I visit during the holidays?”,I look at Thulani.
“I would love that but I have to talk to Malume about it”
Thulani looks at me for a brief moment before he stares back into the road.
“Okay, I miss you. You haven't had a baby yet right? I am only a few months away from being ready to be a big sister”,She says.
“No I have not.You will be the first to know”,I say.
“Okay, I have to go Mvelo. Bye I will pray for you and the new Malome”,She mentions.
“Thank you baby, I will pray for you and your family too”
“Okay bye”,She hangs up and I put the phone away.
“It is Rethabile,she is asking when am I going to visit her”,I say.
He taps his fingers on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the music.
“Why doesn't she visit?”,I look at him.
“Are you sure about that?”,I ask.
“Yes, you like her and she can come during the holidays”,He mentions.
“Thank you so much, this...means a lot to me”,It really does.  I am very fond of Rethabile.
“Why doesn't her mother let her stay with a relative who can take care of her 24/7”,He mentions.
“Mimi does not get along with her family mostly. She recently just got along with her mother but she doesn't let Rethabile visit her home without her being there”,I say.
“Why? Something happened between them?”,He asks.
“I think so and it seems to be very deep too as well because she has been hating her mother for long until a year ago”
“Maybe she still hates her”,He mentions.
It could be because she never really seeks for help from her mother like I do but also Nomvula doesn't call my mother for help all the time like I do too but she does not hate our mother.
We get home and the car parks outside the garage. We get out of the car with our new things and We get inside the house. 
“When are you going to dye your hair?”
“Later on during the day”,I mention.
He nods and goes to the kitchen while I take my things and I go to the bedroom and put them away. I quickly go to the bathroom and put some water in the bathtub and then I take off my dress in the process of it. I just need a cold bath at this point. I feel like taking one as well, I close the water when I am satisfied and I am done with taking off my clothes. I get inside the bathtub and I soak myself within the cold water and I relax inside. 
“I am in the bathroom”,I mention while inside laying there with my eyes closed.
“What are you doing?”,I can hear him from the other side of the door.
“I am taking a cold bath”
“Oh okay, can I join you in there?”,I shoot my eyes open.
“In the cold bath?”,I ask
I hear him laughing.
“Yes in the cold bath,isn't that what you are taking?”
“Is that a yes”,He mentions.
“Yes”,I say.
“Okay”,I hear the door being opened and I close my eyes quickly and lay there in the water. His presence is felt within the room.
I can hear him shuffling in the process of it all.
“May I get in?”,He says.
“Are you naked?”,He chuckles.
“Ofcause I am naked Mvelo, I can't bath with clothes on. You are naked too”,He mention.
“I have never seen you naked before”,I say.
“Well you have to at some point”,he mentions and I open my eyes and look at him before I turn away from looking at him feeling hot flushes. 
I never really took the time to actually realise how fine this man is.  I never really did, Jabu was good looking, he has his looks and he was a bit lighter but Thulani is different. He something I sometimes see on TV or people who are not close to me or related of some sort to have a picture of how he is. 
I shift and he gets in behind me and let's me rest on him.  
“Are you uncomfortable?”,He asks as I can feel his thing on my lower back.
It is not something new either but this is new. Bathing with a man in the same tub is new.
“Why did you opt for a cold bath?”
“I felt like one”
“Do you know how to swim?”,he asks.
“Yes a bit. I have had my parents take me and my sister to swimming lessons before but it was years ago”,I mention.
“Mmmh”,He kisses my cheek. 
We stay in that bathtub for some time before we get out of the bathtub and take a towel and wrap it around our bodies. 
“Have you ever received head before?”,He asks.
What is that?
“No,what is that?”,He smirks.
“Come let me show you”,He pulls me to the bedroom and tells me to get on the bed and lay on my back.
I do as I am told and before I know it my legs are on his shoulders. 
He opens my towel and captures one of my small boobs and it fits into his hand and does with the other.
“Can I pleasure you?”,He says and I just nod to whatever he means. 
He brings his face to mine and perks my lips before he goes and lays one on my neck and moves to between my boobs and lays one there before he leaves one of my boobs exposed and his tongue comes in contact with my nipple and he starts circulating his tongue sucking softly to the nipple and it feels nice for a moment. He moves his head to the other boob and he sucks on the nipple there and as I feel his warm breath against my skin and feel some of my haird standing. He stares at me and I feel his lustful and heavy aura accompanied with desire in that moment.
He goes to kissing between my boobs and lays perks going down in a linear motion until he reached my hairless valve. He kisses the exterior of my treasure and he takes my legs and places them back on his shoulders and my heart is beating quiet vigorously at that moment.
I feel it, his warm breath against the skin of my valve feeling it's sensitivity.
“Ntaka”,I say softly as he runs his fingers against my clitoris while face to face with my treasure and he is close to it.
His warm breath doesn't seize instead it intensifies my blood rushing body into a bit of foreign feelings and a but of discomfort as this is something I have never experienced.
“I won't do much just trust me”,he says.
His voice almost gone in a meer second of touching me. 
I swallow and nod my head slowly before he seperates my folds with his fingers. I am feeling aroused, bit by bit at the moment. 
“I am about to go in, don't move much and don't be scared”,He mentions and I nod.
I don't know what he means but I have to trust him.
His tongue comes in contact with my clitoris and I shift a bit but he holds me in place quiet quickly.  He goes in again, now fully and his finger is rubbing against my clitoris while he is licking me down there and sucks on my nuna. I keep on taking light gasps here and there as he goes on and he slips his tongue inside me and circulates it and thrusts it. 
I find myself holding onto the sheets for dear life as I feel this pleasure building up in my body. 
I let out a little
“Ohw”,When he makes my intestines twitch and turn  from what I am feeling. 
He stops and lifts his head for a moment but carries on with circulating his finger down there.
“Are you okay?”,He asks.
“Ye..Yes”,I mention. 
“Okay”,He says and he slips in the finger and he thrusts it inside of me. 
“I will put in another finger okay?”,He mentions and I nod my head.
“Mmmh Okay”
He puts in another and he thrust them inside and he starts picking up the pace of the thrusts quickening them.
“Ntaka”,I found myself lowly moaning that.
“Are you okay?”,he asks.
“How does it feel?”
I feel the pleasure intensifying and abdomen feels like it is going through something intense as I feel liquid run through down my butt. 
“Your cunt is glistening beautiful”,he mentions.
I take a deep breath trying to collect myself as he has not stopped what he is doing but soon slows down and stops for a moment and kisses my belly.
“What is a cunt?”,I ask
“Its another name for your precious thing”,I nod my head. 
“That was intense”, I say and look at him as he leans to kiss my lips and we share the kiss.
I move my hands and wrap them around his neck as we are kissing.  I feel his tip at my entrance and he runs it up and down through my clitoris down to my entrance and it feels so good. He has one of my legs in his hand. He circulates his tip at my entrance as I feel him teasing me with it. I feel that intense pleasure again and I go through an orgasm that moment. 
He leans in and kisses my lips again. 
“I love you”,He mentions.
“I love you too Ntaka”,He smiles.
“Let me wipe you then get you cleaned up and dressed”,He mentions. 
I thought... I thought he is going to put it in.
“Aren’t we having sex?”,I ask.
“Later, we need to do your hair”,He says.
I give him a stare. Unbelievable!
“Are you serious?”,I am here hot and bothered and this man is not bothered at all. He just gave me orgasms without him even being inside of me and now I am craving more. More of what he has instore for me. 
“Yes I am”
“Thulani”,He smirks
“Yes?”,He is enjoying this.

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