Chapter 49

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Chapter 49


I was still rooted to the chair while everyone went to congratulate Nomvelo on her new car by the drive way and I hear other cheers again. Sqalo joined the crowd as well. My feet are swollen already and I haven't even gotten up that much and moved around. Hlubi makes his way to me and he crouches infront of me placing his glass next to my feet.
“Are you okay?”,He asks.
“ feet are just swollen”,I say.
“Do you want me to massage them?"
“Later maybe”,I say and he looks at me. 
“Are you sure you are okay?”
“My mother called”,He stands up. 
“Oh she did? What did she say?"
“She told me that Lungisani is no more”
“Shame”,The coldness that is in his voice scares me. 
“So you are sad about it?”,I frown.
“I never want to wish cruelty unto other people even if they do me wrong. I am just put by the fact that Lungisani was part of a big family and him dying like the way he did will put eyes on me as well”,I say.
“How so?”,He asks.
“We didn't go through the divorce process remember? We just seperated because he didn't want to give me one and they will expect me to mourn for him.  I am pregnant and the media will be on my back as well. It is just a mess”,I say.
I close my eyes. 
I don't want Sqalo to be dragged in this too.  
“I killed him”,I shoot my eyes open and look at him.
“Excuse me?”,Did I hear him right?
He keeps quiet.
“Hlubi what did you do?”,I ask.
“I am the last thing he saw before he took his last breath”,He says.
No, Hlubi is not a killer. He can never do that.
“No, you are lying you can't do that”,He lifts his shirt up and there is a scar.
“We fought that and he gave me this”,He says.
I feel my eyes getting glossy. Who is this man?
“Why...why are you telling me this?”,My voice is cracking.
No it can't be.  I look at him and the coldness that is posses in him cannot be missed.
“Because I want you to know that I will do anything for you and  Sqalo”,I feel a sharp pain surfacing from my stomach and I scream holding it. 
He steps closer to try and take me. 
“Please step away from me”,I say and the baby starts kicking vigorously. 
“Calm down Bonga please”,He says.
“Leave me alone please”,I stand up and move away from him.  He follows after me. 
“Bonga wait”,I try moving much faster away from him. 
I get inside the house and I wipe my tears.
How....what have I done? What have I created?
I find myself crying and thinking about the whole mess that I am in at the moment. The monster I have just created. 
I scream as pain surfaced in me and I cried more.  I felt something slide down my legs. Hlubi's mother showed up holding one of the triplets again. 
“What is going on?”,She says. 
I crouch and go onto my knees. 
“Bonga what is wrong?”,She asks.
“I...I...”,The lain surfaces again.
She tries to help me up and she sees something.
“Did you pee here?”,She asks.
“ just came out”,I say.
“How far are you?”
“I think 6 to 7months if I am not mistaken”,I say.
I hold onto my stomach. My back is starting to burn. 
“Let me call Hlubi”
“No please don't!”,I don't want to see him. 
She ignores me and rushes out to call Hlubi. 


I couldn't look at her and lie. I didn't mention that Nqubeko helped me in getting rid of that man, I would be putting him in the fire line. I could see the worry on her face and I couldn't hold myself from telling her.  I left her like she wanted me to even though I am worried about her and went to search for Nqubeko. Thulani told me to sort the matter on my own and didn't want to help me in this and Nqubeko was just there to be my look out while I did what I needed to do there. 
It is funny how a man like him didn't have security with him that day.  
He is the first person that I have killed in my entire life.  Yes I used to fight here and there but taking a life is something that could be very far fetched for me.  I find Nqubeko with everyone surrounding Nomvelo and two cars on the drive way which have ribbons on them. Different sizes for the both of them.  I pull him aside.
“What is wrong?”
“I told her, I did it”,He frowns.
“Told who?”
“Bonga”,He widens his eyes and pushes me away from the crowd.
“I couldn't watch and lie to her”
“Do you know what you have done? You should've kept it inside like a man if it's eating you. You wanted this right and found this as the only solution”
“I couldn't frame him.  He has connections everywhere he would've been Scott free"
”I don't get you sometimes I...”,My mother shouts for me. 
“Hlubi hurry up!”,I turn to her. 
I move away from Nqubeko and go to her.
“Bonga is not okay inside the house. I think you should take her to the hospital”,She says.
“Okay”,My heart is beating vigorously against my chest. 
I rush off going inside the house where she disappeared off to and then I find another granny kneeling infront of her while she has a cover over her lower body.  She is sweating.
“Baby...”,The granny disturbs me.
“Rethabile hurry!”,the granny says.
A girl appears with a little bowel and towel. 
“What is going on?"
“Okay ngwanaka  bare with me”,Bonga cries in pain.
“We need to go to the hospital”,I say. 
The granny has ignored me and pushed her head under the cover before she looks up to Bonga.
“Okay when I tap your thighs you push okay?”,What?!
“What is going on?”, I ask.
“I think she is about to give birth”,The little girl informs me.
“Let me call an ambulance”,I take out my phone and quickly dial the ambulance. 
I go a bit outside to call the ambulance. After some time as I was being answered I hear Bonga's screams and I drop the call and rush back inside the house.
I get inside and she is now quiet and has her head rested on the little cushion.  
I am in trauma of what I saw.  A pale tiny baby in the hands of this old woman. 


The party has been cut short once Bonga needed medical attention. She still had a few months ahead before giving birth. Maybe the death of her ex husband triggered her into giving birth. I mean it is all over social media at this point.  The intimidate family is here and Koko wanted to stay with the triplets with my parents too and Rethabile.  We are here at the waiting room waiting for some feed back from the doctor about the baby and Bonga since she didn't respond after pushing the baby but the pulse was there when we checked.
It is worrying to be quiet honest. 
“What is taking them so long?”,My mother in law asks. 
I also wonder what is taking them so long. 
Hlubi appears from where he was and walks into the room and scan his eyes on all of us.
“How is she?”,His mother asks. 
“She is asleep. She is okay”,He says.
“And the baby?”,His mother asks. 
“Its a she, she is okay”,That is some relief. 
“That is wonderful!”,We say.
“She doesn't want company for now”,the sadness in his voice cannot be missed. 
He looks over to his son who is seated just by the door. 
“There are bedrooms home that I will prepare sk you can rest”,I say.
“Thank you Mvelo but I will stay here. Sqalo will go with you”,He says and I nod.
I look at Thulani and he slight shrugs his shoulders. 
“Can we see the baby?”,I ask and he nods with a slight smile. 
He walks out and we end up following after him. 
We are walking through the hospital passages and it reminds me of when I have birth to Thando, Ntando and Musa. It reminded me that it has been God's will and love and Grace that I am here with my children and they are all here, I think that is why their names bring so much fitting to how grateful I am to have them. Kungumsa, uThando nentando ka Jehova that we are in the positions that we are at times. 

We get to the maternity wards and get to where the baby is and we get to stand by the glass window watching those little new borns in there with nurses. I feel like hugging all those little creatures at once. 
Hlubi is let in while we have to wait outside. The nurse assists him in giving his child and he holds her in his arms before he comes to the glass window and we watch the little baby. She looks just like her mother that is for sure.
She is beautiful and looks strong too. 
“She looks nothing like Hlubi”,One of his siblings says and they laugh. 
“It would've been a disaster”
“A big one”,They laugh amoung themselves. 
I turn to look at Thulani and smile. 
“She is pretty”
“Very much”,He returns the smile.
We stand there for a while watching the baby before we had to leave the place and we will come back some other time. 


The burning sensation is felt between my legs and the panic when I felt my stomach being flat got to me until I realised that I have already given birth. I feel tired mostly at this moment but I want to see Sqalo too. Hlubi, I don't know how I would look at him or what to say to him at this moment.  I don't want to have visitors for now I just want to be alone. 
I lay there staring onto the ceiling and the door opens and I look towards it and see Sqalo walking into the room. I smile while looking at him. 
“Hey ma”
“Hey, come here”, he makes his way towards me. 
“How are you?",He asks.
“I am okay, how is the baby?”,I ask.
“She is tiny”,he says
“Its a girl?”,he nods his head and I smile. 
“You have big brother duties to fill now”,I lightly laugh.
“I hope this is the last baby you have.  I can't be more than 10 years older than another baby too.  It will seem like it is my child”,He says and I laugh.
“Haibo I am young too. I haven't reached 35 so I will have more children”,He nods his head. 
Silence prevails between us. 
“I saw the news.  That Da... Yeah”,He says. 
“How do you feel?”,I ask.
“Relieved”,I look at him. 
“He raised you, he played a part too"
“He failed to exicute it well. I wish that I knew my dad sooner and maybe grew up under his care”,He says.
I feel my heart breaking.
“I am sorry”,I softly say and look away from him. 
The silence continues between us. 
“I have to go”,He stands up.  I nod my head. 
The door opens and I turn and look at the man who told me shocking news about him. 
Looking at him I cannot see the evil deed that he has done instead I see the highschool Hlubi who I have known for so long. 
Sqalo walks out of the room and Hlubi steps closer inside the room.
“I am sorry”,He says and looks at me. 
“I would do it again Bonga, it was either him or us”,He says. 
“I...I am just scared”,I say.
He comes towards me and sits next to me.
“Don’t be”,I just nod my head. 
“Hlw are you feeling?”
He nods his head.

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