Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

It has been a week since I left home and have been in Durban with this man here and I haven't taken well into the fact on what he did but one thing I have been doing the most is working and shame man Thulani has helped me alot with setting up a page on social media and advertising my work from the dress I wore on the negotiations to the latest designs I have done and I did get one order and I was really happy for that matter.
It is just after 12 pm and  I am in my work office. I am waiting for this lady to come and I would be able to take her measurements and get started on the dress she wants plus she did send the type of design she wants for her dress. Yes I am not perfect but I am able to be honest if I cannot do something to the tee but the picture she sent of what she wants seems to be simple and a task that I would be able to tackle. 
I am in the kitchen and  I hear the intercom ringing and I go and press on it to hear what the other person needs.
“Hello, I am looking for Nomvelo I am here about the dress making enquire”,She mentions.
“Oh okay”,I press for the gate to open and I quickly make my way out to the front and watch as this lady's car drives in.
She parks and hops out of her car and so as her company.
“Hello,I am Nomvelo”,I greet her and she smiles.
“Hi, how are you?”
“I am well, please follow me”,I mention and they do as we walk to the back yard.
“Do you work with people?”,This lady asks.
“Not at the moment. I work alone”,I say.
“I have a special occasion to wear the dress at and I need it by nextweek”,She mentions.
“Worry not. It will be ready then”,She nods. 
“Oh that is good, I am happy to hear that”,We walk into the space and I offer them seats on the little two seater couch that is there and I go and get my measuring tape and also my scrap book.
“Wow this place looks phenomenal”,The lady friend of this woman mentions. 
I also like it, I get into awe when I step into this room and think about the man who made this all possible for me.
“Thank you, my husband did it all by himself”,I say and realise in that instant that I for the first time have referred to Thulani as my husband.
“This is beautiful”,she mentions and I just nod.
I work with the lady who is here for her measurements and I get her to stand as I take her measurements and hot them down. After I was done I go to my daily planner and diary and I jot down when she can come in for her dress fitting and the day she will collect her dress. She pays for the dress that moment and I generate her slip and then they leave afterwards. 
I am left happy at that moment. My first ever real client I have this year. 
“Wow, God is wonderful”,I say to myself and I feel happy too. 
I put the money away and I then make my way inside the house to get the juice that I needed from the kitchen. I get some fruits as well and put them in a bowel. My phone rings and I take it out and it is Thulani. 
“Myeni Ka Nomvelo( Nomvelo’s husband)”
“Awu Themba lami wangibiza kamnandi kanje namuhla(Oh my hope you are calling me so nicely today)”,I giggle at that.
“How are you feeling? You have been a bit grumpy lately but you seem better now”,he mentions.
“I am okay, I have not been grumpy”
“You have been Mvelo. You even try to avoid kissing me”,He mentions.
“I don't want to be left hanging”,I say.
“Mmh?”,I pop some grapes into my mouth.
“I am in Durban North now but I will be there in 30 minutes”
“I love you”
“I love you too”,He hangs up after that. I take my bowel and I go to my sewing room. 


We are back and it has been a really great trip going to Namibia and we should really do this often with Nkonzo. We are at the house and we are both working from home but mostly she has started with the wedding preparations as well and I am chipping in what I know and what I like too as well and so far so good. 
We decided that we are going to have it in Capetown and she wants it to be in a church so that I do not mind at all. A Catholic church would be delightful to do the unity there, those are my thoughts.
I haven't forgotten, forgotten what is happening between Thulani and Nomvelo and it is like they a now rubbing their relationship in my face.
Yes I have been checking them quiet frequently especially Nomvelo and she has been posting about them and herself and it seems like they are living together that is why I just blocked her on WhatsApp so that I don't see her face slot as it brings heartache to me but what baffles me the most is the fact that Thulani did not for once hesitate to choose her over choosing my feelings. I don't understand why he would want to hurt me like that. In that manner.
“Baby your brother is here”,It is Nonkonzo and she is wearing an apron.
I am in my study inside the house and I was occupied by these thoughts.
“I am coming”,She nods.
“There is no need”,Nqubeko appears behind her wearing his work uniform.
He must be on a late lunch or he dodged work just to be here. 
A part of me feels happy that he is here and I would be able to vent how I am feeling at the moment and the betrayal I am going through.
Nonkonzo moves out of the way for him so that he can walk in.
“I will be in the kitchen”,She closes the door and Nqubeko walks in and he stands infront of my desk looking at me.
“How was Namibia?”,He asks.
“It was good, well until your brother decided to betray me”
“Who?”,He raises his brow.
“Ntaka ofcause”,he just keeps quiet and stares at me.
“Oh”,he days that after some time.
“Did you know that he just hitched the woman I wanted to marry”
“Isn't the one in the kitchen the one you want to marry?”,He asks
“Well I love two women”
“No you don't”
I frown upon hearing him say that.
“I do”
“You just love the idea of these women in your life more especially Thulani's wife”,He mentions.
“They are not even married yet to be his wife”,I say
“You know traditionally she is wife to your brother so as the one you have.”
“Who's side are you on?”,I ask in disbelief.
“I am on no one's side but the one who is happy. If the girl wanted you she would be here. Now stop this childish act before you loose even the woman that is here for you”,He mentions sternly.
I want to talk but I hold myself.
I cannot challange Nqubeko nor Thulani especially in backchatting them unless I want to know who they really are. 
“I will see you some other time. We will talk”,he mentions.
“Did he send you here?”
“No”,He mentions before he turns around and walks out of the room.
I punch the table infront of me. I hate this, I really hate it. 

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