Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

As to his words Thulani came and he has some fruits and everything that might be certified as being healthy. Rethabile has been asking me constantly of I don't feel like vomiting again and I told her not to worry. Well she is worrying of which I think that Thulani might have out the poor child up to that.
Rethabile went to take a nap as she said she felt“Tired” and needed some rest mainly because of school and how hectic it was for her of which I understood and let her be. Thulani is in the kitchen doing whatever that he is doing there and I am simply watching some TV while a little fleece is over my feet. He comes through from the kitchen carrying a bowel in his hands and he hands it over to me.
“What is this?”,I ask taking it.
“Something you can down”,He says and I thank him. 
“You didn't have to drop work and rush for something that is normal”,I say.
“I know but I want to Mvelo”,I smile.
“Okay then Mzimela. I will not stop you”
“Please don't”
He takes my feet and outs them on his lap and starts massaging them gently.
He is happy, more than excited for this baby that is yet to come and I do not want him ever feeling less than what he is feeling right now. 
“I was thinking”,He says while focused on what he is doing.
“What is it?”,I ask.
“That we tell everyone else's about the pregnancy when you are showing that way we can get through the first month's together”,He says.
“I do not mind”,He smiles.
“I love you Mbelo”,He kisses my legs.
“I love you more Thulani”,I say
“I like this”,I say pointing to the bowel”
“Really?”,I nod my head as I am eating.
It doesn't feel like I will vomit it back up any time so I really do like it honestly speaking. 
I carry on eating as I watch TV while my husband is giving me a good massage. 


I need to get back to work very soon, this sitting at home and doing minimal work is absolutely not something I like doing. Yes some days I do feel like not showing up at work and just lock myself in my house but I just miss waking up in the morning and preparing everyone for their day while I too myself and preparing for mine as well and taking those innocent showers with my husband that sometimes do not turn out to be as innocent. Our daughter was an unexpected child. I will not lie and say we planned to have her, no we never did and she is a product of a wedding night I should say. That is why I say she is unexpected and unplanned.  I have never to .have a child in such a manner but non the less we love our child whether she was planned or not that is why Langelihle do not have another. Child. We feel that our daughter is enough for us and we do not need more kids in our lives. 
I just came from the nearest shopping centre. I needed to buy some lunch box ingredients as I have ran out of ideas and things on what I should do for my child's lunch box. That is also one of the things I would trade anythung and anyone into doing it for me. It does get tiresome at some point and I feel like giving my daughter money to buy food at school but then I think of the enjoyment and love she must feel when I pack her one of her favourite things every once in a while. I get to the house and I park my car on the drive way. I don't know if I will still go out to fetch my child or Lange will fetch her. I will have to ask him.  I take our the things I bought and I go inside the house and I head to the kitchen I can hear shower sounds and I quickly take a knife from the draw and have my phone out incase anything happens. My heart is beating very fast. I make my way through the passage and the bathing sounds are coming from the main bedroom. I feel like I am going to throw up my heart in any minute now. 
I get closer and the water has stopped pouring. I stand near the door and it soon opens d u get frightened.
“Lange don't you ever do that again. I will stab you by mistake next time. What are you doing here at this time and why are you taking a bath?”,I ask all of this at once.
He holds onto the Navy blue towel around his waist as some beads of water are on his shoulders and part of his neck.
“Sorry, I was working and I got myself dirty”,He says and I frown.
“You have been acting suspecious lately.”,I say and he frowns and tilts his head go the side a bit while looking at me. 
“Suspecious how?”
“Having weird calls”,I say.
“It is nothing you should worry about”,He says and steps forward to kiss my forehead and moves to the wardrobe.
“It better be”,I say and he ignores me for a while. 
I watch him as he takes out shorts and he gets to lotion and dress himself after that. He turns to me after that. 
“Don't you ever think I would cheat on you.  I am not like that”,he says.
“Ngeke sazi phela when you think you know someone”,He chuckles.
“I have always told you this”,I just look at him. 
He steps closer to me. 
“You know I love you right?”,You cannot miss the coldness in his voice but the warmth displayed in his eyes calms me down.
“I know”,I say and he holds my cheek and gives me a kiss that I voluntarily return to him leaving me fuzzy, hot and bothered that moment.
He breaks the kiss slowly and he looks at me. 
“Let’s never fight about this”,I find myself nodding to what he is saying. 
“Stop behaving out of order nawe”,I say.
“I will not, I promise and I am not behaving out of order. You know I am a man who works with clients”.
“Yes I know”
“Are you scared?”,he asks as he caresses me.
“Yes”,I say softly.
“What are you scared of?”,he asks soothingly though his voice comes with its depth.
“Alot of things”,I say.
He nod and perks my lips. 
“You shouldn't be, you are Nomvula Mvelase”,My heart just melts at the sound of that.
I wrap my arms around his neck and he picks me up then kisses my neck. A part of me has always asked itself why didn't I meat Lange earlier but another part of me reminds me that timing. It could've been that the time we met was the perfect time for us. 

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