Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

I felt nauseated more as the day was carrying on and I do not know why and maybe it could be that I am a bit tired especially from working these past few months preparing for fashion week and I haven't fully rested well since then.
“Can we get some water somewhere?”,I ask. 
“What is wrong?”, Rethabile asks.
“I feel nauseated and like something is stuck in my throat. Like it wants to come up but it is not coming up”,I say. 
“Let’s sit you down”,Thulani says.
We find a near resturant I get to sit down and then Thulani goes to get some water for me ordering them from the till point.
He comes back with a cup full of cold water. He hands the cup to me and I thank him with a faint smile and I take the cup and drink up the cold water and it feels like it is getting better and whatever is in my throat is going down.
“How do you feel now?”,Thulani asks as he looks at me worried.
“I feel a bit better I...”,I unexpectedly vomited infront of me on the floor and Rethabile dramatically screamed. 
I saw the water I had downed on the floor and some of my breakfast too. I felt like it was coming back up again. The lady from the restaurant came to us.
“Is she fine?”,another followed after her with a bucket and mop ready to clean up my mess.
“Don.... don't worry I will clean..”,I gag after saying those words.
“Where is the bathroom?”,Thulani takes me into his arms. 
“Far end left”,He moves away from the table with me in his arms eyes over us that moment.
We get into the bathroom and the nearest was the handicapped bathroom and he puts me down and I get to vomit inside the toilet. 
“Did you eat something bad?”,He asks.
“No, I don't remember”,I say after vomiting my left over breakfast in there. 
“Should we go to the doctor just to make sure you are okay?”,He asks.
“Yes please”,I say and he lightly smiles. 
“Should I get you more water?"
“I need to rinse my mouth”,I say.
“Okay do you feel better?”
“Yes”,I do feel better.
He helps me up and then we get to flush the toilet and leave the handicapped bathroom and go to the sink so that I can wash my mouth and rinse it too.  We got out of the bathroom and they have already cleaned up my mess and out a slippery warming sign. Rethabile was seated waiting for us. She stands up when she sees us approaching.
“Mvelo are you okay?”,She asks.
“I don't know. The doctor will tell us”,I say.
“It might be something minor”,She says.
“It might be”
“Let's go”,Thulani says and we leave the restaurant. As we are leaving he quickly passes by a supermarket and we wait for him a bit.
He comes back holding 6 Powerades and 3 energy bars of different flavours. He opens one for me and hands it to me and I thank him.  We go to the car and leave our little day trip and now we are heading to our doctor. We get inside the car and Thulani helps me in like I am really sick and he even buckles me up too.  This reminds me of when we first met and he used to do this almost everyday. He still does it but I would like to buckle myself from time to time thank you very much.  He goes around the car and gets in and he checks Rethabile if he is buckled and then starts the car and we leave the mall soon. 
The cold air from the air conditioner is keeping me from being as nauseated as I was before.
The wait as we didn't have an appointment was not as bad.Rethabile as reading magazines just to keep herself occupied and that she can also let time pass by faster.
“Nomvelo Mzimela”,I lift my head up from Thulani's lap and I get up and I am lead inside the room. 
The doctor gives me a warm smile. 
“Good day, thank you”,he thanks the lady who has led me here.
“You may have a seat”,He gestures infront of me. 
“Thank you”,I sit down.
“What seems to be the problem?”,He asks.
“I felt sick today. I even vomited and I am worried that it might be something serious. I do clean my body and system as much as I can so I want to know if maybe I am catching something that I am not aware of and treat it early.”
He chuckles. 
“I see,let's see what we are working with here”
He asks me.a few questions and he asks me to get on the bed and does some simple check up on me and he asks to poke my stomach and I nod.  He does that for a few moments with a slight frown on his face and he then smiles. 
“What is it?”,I ask. 
“I think I have figured out what maybe causing your sickness”,I ammso very confused but I am glad he found it. 
I walk out of the doctor's room feeling a bit happy but someber at the same time. I do not really know how to feel at the moment and I have been in there for far too long too. My eyes are a but puffy and red mainly because I had been crying since I discovered what is making me feel sick.
I am holding onto a prescription slip that is in my hands and also a little envelope too.Thulani stands up when he sees me and Rethabile puts down her magazine and they both stare at me. 
“Mvelo are you okay?”,She asks. I nod my head and sniff a bit.
“Yes I am okay”
“Then why does it seem like you were crying? did the doctor say you are dying?”,She asks and my heart skips a beat but I giggle at her. 
“No nana”,I am avoiding eye contact for a while with the waiting Thulani.
“Oh what did the doctor say then?”.
I finally set my eyes on him and he is waiting for whatever that was said inside with patience but you can see that he is a bit impatient and wants to know immediately what is wrong with me if there is something wrong with me.  
“I’m...I’m”,The words seem to be stuck in my throat. I wallow.
“What is it Themba lami?”,It soothes me when he says that.
He steps closer to me in a way to comfort me and be ready to do so. 
“I’m pregnant”,I say as my hands fiddle with the things that are in my hands. 
“ are pregnant?”,I nod my head as he asks me that. 
“Oh my God Mvelo this is the best news!”,Rethabile jumps off her seat. 
I turn my attention back to Thulani who is still in disbelief. 
“I..I can't believe this”,he says and I hand the envelope to him and he takes it in his hands. 
He opens it and then looks at the black and white photos of the little foetus. His hands become Shakey a bit and Rethabile asks to see and she gets to take the photos. He attacks me with a hug and lays kisses on my neck. 
“Ngiyabonga Mkami...Ngiyabonga Kakhulu(Thank you my wife, thank you so much)”,He says and I wrap my arms around him.  Whatever that I had in mind all gone as I hear the happiness and joy radiating within my husband's voice.  
“I am happy too”,I feel emotional at that moment as I say that. 
He breaks the hug and picks me up and I squeel as he gives me kisses and waiting clients are cheering on us.  I break the kiss.
“The people Ntaka”
“Cha mama angikaze ngijabule kanje empilweni Yami(I have never been this happy before in my life). You make me happy”,He says.
“We are going to be parents”,He chuckles and the disbelief in his voice is there. Like he cannot process the news and let it sink in within him. 
“I will give you anything you want baby”,He says and I laugh.
“Let’s go home please”


I heard a knock on the door and I wouldn't have went to open it if Lange was not here. I open the door and Nkonzo appears with her son and my daughter behind her. 
“Mama!”,My little girl rushes to me and I take her into my arms. 
I hold her a bit tightly as I take her in.
“Hello baby”,I say trying not to get emotional there.
“Daddy said you were sick”,She says.
“Yes I was but I am better now”,She gives me a kiss on the cheek and Nonkonzo's son is already waiting next to me for his turn of hugs and kisses and short conversations.  He is not much of a talker of which is a character he did not get from either of his parents but I think he took it from his grandfather and Thulani. Thulani hardly speaks with people unless he knows you even so he speaks too much with Nomvelo and is silent with the rest of us which makes it not easy to get to know him well. 
“Hey boy how are you?”,I ask.
He falls into my arms and I hug him too.  Nonkonzo is silently watching us. 
“Won't I be let in?”,She says with a hint of an attitude behind it.
I understand that she dislikes me because I am with her brother and we are married and have a child together. She should get over her childish act. 
“Don’t come into my house to disrespect my wife and before you get inside this place you better make sure that attitude stays outside the door”,Lange says.
Nonkonzo Huff's and I move out of the way to let her in and she walks inside. 
I always wondered why she was able to get to other people but she has always felt intimidated by her brother more. I thought she respects her brother more than her husband but that is not the case. She fears her brother in a way. 
“I am here to drop of the princess”,She says.
“Thank you so much”
“Mmmh, you are welcomd she is my niece”,She says.
“Would you like some juice?”,I ask trying to move to the kitchen. Lange is watching us.
“No thank you. We have to get going. I have to meet up with Qophelo”,she says.
“Oh okay”,She turns around.
“Good bye”,She leaves the house with her son quickly. 
That was very awkward. Lange goes to close the door and I tell my daughter to go and change in her bedroom and she runs off down the passage and disappears there. 
“Why is your sister always fearing you?”,I ask.
“I am older than her”,He says.
“No mam it cannot be that. Ingi fears you too the same way Nkonzo does and it is not out of respect. Nonkonzo respects your father and Qophelo and when it comes to you it is like you poses fear over them”,I say.
“I don't know then”,He shrugs his shoulders.
“Maybe unesinyama nje engingasazi(Maybe you have a dark cloud that I don't know)”,I say and he chuckles.
“You would know trust me”,He comes and places his hands around my waist and kisses my cheek.
“Don’t overthink nothing”,He says. 
I look at him. His phone rings and he takes it out of his sweat pants, he looks at it and he looks at me for a brief moment.
“I need to take this”,He says moving away from me. 
“If by any chance that is your side chick tell her and yourself that you have a crazy wife who knows how to work a knife on human flesh”,I say moving from the living room.
“I will tell her that baby”,,He chuckles and I look at him shaking my head. 
Kucabanga ukuthi ngiyadlala lokhu(This one thinks that I am joking).
I go and check on my daughter.

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