Batman Story #1

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Moving from Earth 22, we come to Earth 1 where we see Green Lantern and Sinestro locked in an endless battle of Lanterns, Shazam facing off against Black Adam with the power of the elders while Hawkgirl is there to assist, and Superman is seen going up against Ares the God of War as he uses his powers to create a sword. Superman knocks Ares down onto a building as we see Wonder Woman and Aquaman running out to apprehend the fallen god as the Man of Steel comes down.

Superman: Wonder Woman. Aquaman. Let's wrap this up. I've got to get to the Watchtower.

Wonder Woman: Before Luthor throws something else at us...

Wonder Woman says as a new contender shows up...

Wonder Woman says as a new contender shows up

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Superman: Doomsday...

Superman charges at Doomsday, only to be hit to the side which causes Wonder Woman and Aquaman to question Superman's decision.

Wonder Woman: Should've been a combined assault.

Aquaman: Clark forgets sometimes he can't do everything himself.

As Wonder Woman and Aquaman begin to face Doomsday, we go to Robin, Nightwing, Raven, Cyborg and Martian Manhunter fighting Lex Luthor, Bane, Solomon Grundy and Catwoman. Lex Luthor is fighting Cyborg as the bald mind shoots missiles at the half man half machine only to be stopped by Raven's power of Azarath and Cyborg jumps to the side, and Raven sends the missiles to Grundy as Cyborg is now fighting the undead crime boss off.

Lex Luthor: You're interrupting tonight's entertainment, Raven.

Raven: I detest violence, Luthor, but I'm even less fond of you.

Raven says now standing next to both Robin and Nightwing, only for the boy wonders to get pulled over to Cyborg.

Nightwing: Thought you'd have this mess cleaned up by now.

Cyborg: Name's Cyborg, not Miracle Worker.

Robin: Then where's Starfire and Beast Boy when you need them?

Cyborg: In Metropolis.

(Quick word, in this story and Earth the Teen Titans are still a thing with the team being as followed.)

1: Robin

2: Starfire

3: Beast Boy

4: Raven

5: Cyborg(in both the League and the Titans)

6: Blue Beetle(won't show up until Injustice 2)

Nightwing: Nightwing to Batman, you there?

Batman Chapter 1 - Pov

Batman Chapter 1 - Pov

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