Batman & Batgirl Story

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(First of many two people stories, Batman and Batgirl teaming up in a story was something that should have been made into a reality but seeing as the great Caped Crusader's female sidekick and daughter of Captain James Gordon was put into the game for DLC we didn't get to see Batgirl in the story. Later on I'll make a Robin and Batgirl story and with any luck it'll be in Injustice 2. On with the chapter.)

The four man/woman team of Batman, Robin, Batgirl and Green Arrow are seen walking around the sewers ready to come up and get contacted by Cyborg.

Cyborg(Comms): Batman... You ready?

Batman: We're in position. Commence assault.

The four climb up the ladder in front of them and make their way up to the surface. While they do Superman has his whole army ready for an all out war between the Insurgency and anyone else who even dares get in the way. While the guards are well armed and standing on the ground Yellow Lantern, Sinestro, Hawkgirl, Black Adam and Superman himself are seen hovering over them due to their ability to fly. They look on until out coming up from the water is Aquaman standing on some giant sea-crab screaming out to a whole line of them, prepared to go to war against the Man of Steel and his army.

Superman: There they are!

Superman signals his men to attack as the guards rush forward to fight, and the metahumans hovering on Superman's sides join in. During all of this, the four heroes are now roaming the prison yard of Stryker's Island attempting to get to Earth 1 Batman before its too late.

Batman: We're getting closer. Stay alert.

Nightwing then appears rushing towards them with Catwoman charging at Batman and Robin. Leaping off of Nightwing's back Catwoman lands on Batman's shoulders and flips him under her, and Nightwing begins fighting the others.

Catwoman: [Seductive] Hello, Bruce. Still as handsome as ever.

Batman: [Not interested] Save it, Selina.

Catwoman: I'm sorry, Bruce... I joined him to protect you. He said if I helped find you he'd--

Batman: [Still not interested] Spare me?

Catwoman: I didn't believe him. But it bought us time. I misdirected him...

Batman: Small comfort for the ones who died in mine and Y/n's places.

Batman pushes Catwoman off of him and tries walking away, but the sly kitty isn't having it and gets back up instantly and stops him from leaving.

Catwoman: Dammit, Bruce. You have any idea what I've... You think I'm here by coincidence? Let's leave. [Puts hands on his shoulders] We can be free of him. Be together.

Batman: There is no "we" anymore.

Catwoman: [Sighs; backs away and mutters] Bastard...

Batman: I have a job to do. [Tries passing her; gets pushed back]

Catwoman: [Heart broken] So do I.


Batman: [Saddened] You joined the wrong side, Selina.

Batman walks off to see Green Arrow, Robin and Batgirl still fighting Nightwing, but the Caped Do-gooders get knocked down and begins using his Escrima sticks to fight Green Arrow who's using his Bow as a staff.

GA: He took you in! Trained you!

They continue and Green Arrow attempts to hit Nightwing who just keeps dodging.

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