Aquaman Story

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Last time on Injustice Gods Among Us Batman, Robin, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Aguaman and the Joker get transported to an alternative dimension where Superman is rumored to have killed the Joker and Metropolis actually got nuked. Batman and Joker end up in Metropolis where they run into Superman's army, the Regime, Robin ends up in Gotham City where he's forced to battle his teammates Cyborg and Raven, and even go toe to toe with his adoptive brother Damian Wayne who now takes on the role as Nightwing, and Robin even runs into the very beautiful crime fighter Batgirl and girlfriend Barbara Gordon who unlike his own Barbara never gets crippled by Joker. As for Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman and Aquaman, the four end up in a much different area of Gotham compared to where Robin ends up and travels to Coast City to the Ferris Aircraft facility and Atlantis where Green Lantern(Coast City)goes to recharge his battery only to run into Cyborg and Raven torturing Slade Wilson into joining Superman's side, and Aquaman(Atlantis)goes to search for the event where Joker nuked Metropolis in the Atlantis Archives. What will our heroes discover about this crazy world next? Find out now...

Superman Pov:

After hearing from Flash about what happen, the rest of the League and even the Teen Titans stationed here begin looking for a way to bring our allies back home. I enter in a room of the Watchtower to see Flash, Cyborg and Martian Manhunter sitting at a computer, trying to figure out just where everyone went.

Superman: Nothing yet?

Cyborg: The energy signature from the park doesn't match anything in the database.

Flash: Why don't I just vibrate at the same frequency as the energy signature and follow them?

Flash asks, thinking about what happened during the Flashpoint Paradox, only for Martian Manhunter to intervene.

Martian Manhunter(MM)

MM: Because we don't know if they went anywhere dangerous, Barry Allen--

Cyborg: Or if they went anywhere at all. J'onn is right. It's too risky.

Flash: Too bad I wasn't fast enough to catch them in the first place...

Superman: We'll find them. We have to.

Aquaman Pov:

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Aquaman Pov:

I make my way to my birth home of Atlantis, where standing in front of me is the Atlantean Librarian standing there bowing in my presence.

Atlantean Librarian(AL)

AL: A pleasure most rare, Your Highness.

Aquaman: I need information on surface world governance. History and current structure.

AL: Ah. For the treaty negotiations with the High Councilor?

Aquaman: Yes. The treaty discussions.

We begin walking to the Atlantean Archives and to the throne room as the Atlantean Librarian begins speaking about the treaty discussions with this 'High Councilor'.

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