Goddess of War: Wonder Woman Story

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After getting Brother Eye back online and getting the word from Batman, Wonder Woman and Supergirl are seen flying over Metropolis to get started with the evacuation. They land on the ground and look forward to see Brainiac's ship looming over the entire city.

Supergirl: Where should we start? [No response] Diana? We don't have much time...

Wonder Woman: Batman's strategy is all wrong. Delaying our offensive is pointless. It's one less hour before Brainiac sends us all to Hades. Saving these people could doom billions more!

Supergirl: I can hear the people down there. All of them. They're afraid, like I was on Krypton, when I didn't have these powers. And I look at us and just think... We can give them hope.

On the ground, Brainiac's robots are seen gathering civilians into another circle. Pushing and shoving them, until Wonder Woman is seen flying in and picks up one of them.

Wonder Woman: [In the air] Up here.

The other robots look up to see their comrade in Wonder Woman and Supergirl's hands, up in the air. The civilians look up at the two with confusion in their eyes and wondering why there's a girl bearing the Symbol of Hope just like Superman had a long time ago and why Wonder Woman is helping with this problem when she hasn't had any single care for them. Wonder Woman then smirks at them and smashes the robot's head, dropping it down to the ground. The robots on the ground start shooting light beams out of their eyes and Wonder Woman comes down, slashing at them with her sword and shield. Supergirl then charges down and aids her, and the two are now fighting side-by-side against Brainiac's forces.

Supergirl: [Confused] Why are they so afraid of us?

Supergirl then gets shot away, and Wonder Woman looks ahead to see Cheetah holding some kind of blaster over her shoulder.

Wonder Woman: [Serious] Minerva...

Cheetah: [Aims blaster] Welcome back, Diana.

Wonder Woman charges at Cheetah, but she gets sent back into the Ace O' Clubs bar and nightclub by the shot. She lands hard on the ground and gets up, but to be met by the bartender holding a shotgun point blank range towards her. A sound comes from the door and the two look at it, until it gets frozen from the other side and gets broken down. The bartender ducks down and from there a yellow and red streak runs in, spinning around Wonder Woman and hitting her with each spin. It was the Reverse Flash, and through the door another assailant comes walking in. This one was Captain Cold, and he was determined to get first cracks at the Amazon.

Captain Cold: Your heart's so cold, Wonder Woman. Let's put you on ice.

Reverse Flash meets up with Cold and Wonder Woman gets up, only to be met with a freeze blast. She blocks the ice and sends it at Eobard Thawne.

Captain Cold: [Looks at Reverse Flash; comments] Nice rope-a-dope.

Wonder Woman: Give up your code of honor, Snart? Why lower yourself to work with Grodd?

Captain Cold: You're not so pure, Amazon. You--you "executed" Golden Glider. She... was my sister.

Wonder Woman: [Steps forward] A sister you led into a life of crime. She paid for your mistakes.


Wonder Woman: [Puts shield and sword away] My condolences.

Wonder Woman turns to Reverse Flash, who appears to be shaking himself free from the misdirected freeze blast caused by Captain Cold and Wonder Woman.

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