Invasion: Flash Story

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After Brainiac abducted Green Arrow and Black Canary, he sent his robots down to cause panic around all major cities on Planet Earth. Down in the Batcave Bruce is seen over by Brother Eye, by the looks of it trying to monitor the situation at Gorilla City.

Bruce: Brother Eye, give me an update on the team at Gorilla City.

Brother Eye: 'I cannot do that, Bruce Wayne of Earth.'

Bruce: [Confused] Why not?

Brother Eye: [Statically] 'Because I am not Brother Eye.'

Suddenly Brother Eye's screens change to the sight of Brainiac, and by the looks of it he hacked into Brother Eye's mainframe.

Brainiac: I am Brainiac.

Bruce attempts to regain control of Brother Eye, but it appears to be in vein.

Brainiac: You cannot regain control. Over the past days, Brother Eye has been absorbed into my neural network. It is now an extension of my mind. You, a fragile human, captured and imprisoned a fully developed male Kryptonian.

Bruce: Maybe I'm not so fragile.

Brainiac: To prevail, you harnessed advanced sciences: nano-technology, satellite communications, inter-dimensional transit. I am taking these tools from you.

Bruce: Why?

Brainiac: The Kryptonian belongs to me. And soon, so will your planet.

Bruce once again tries to regain control of Brother Eye, but like last time it's in vein.


Batman: Batcomputer, contact Nightwing and Batgirl.

Batcomputer: Affirmative, Bruce Wayne.

Y/n Pov:

I'm currently in the training room where I'm currently dangling up over the floor, while holding onto two ropes attached to the top of the ceiling.

I'm currently in the training room where I'm currently dangling up over the floor, while holding onto two ropes attached to the top of the ceiling

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