Absolute Power: Superman Story

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Supergirl is seen lying down on a gurney with Kryptonite cuffs over her wrists, ankles and neck. She eventually wakes up at the feeling of her powers weakening and attempts to break free, but to no avail. She then looks over to Nightwing, who's in even worse shape.

Supergirl: Nightwing!

Nightwing: [Wakes up; sees Supergirl lied out on gurney] Kara!

One of Brainiac's robots walk into the room and makes its way over to Kara, fully intent on dissecting her brains. The robot is shut off and drops to the ground, and the Kryptonite cuffs and Kara stands up and makes her way to Nightwing.

Supergirl: [Frees Nightwing] Y/n? Y/n, are you okay?

Nightwing: [Shakes head] Yeah. Thanks for that.

Outside of the ship, the Beta ships all start losing altitude and shuts down, and due to Brainiac being unconscious the main ship is even starting to plummet.

Batman: [Looks around; contacts the others] This is Batman. Brainiac is down...

Cyborg(Comms): The disrupter worked! All the Betas are shutting down!

Superman: [Lands next to Batman] We did it. Now we find Kara and Y/n-- [Feels shaking] What's happening?!

Batman: [Looks around] Brainiac is the ship's CPU. Apparently he doesn't have a backup system...

Superman: If we crash, all the cities preserved onboard--

Batman: [Finishes sentence] Destroyed.

Superman looks to the main controller of the ship as it starts falling out of the sky and gets an idea. He walks over to the chair and sits down in it, and Batman obviously knows what he intends to do.

Batman: [Attempts to stop him] Clark, wait!

Superman: [Grabs onto tentacles] You said it yourself, this ship is controlled by pure thought.

Batman: [Concerned] This could kill you!

Superman: [Confident] Sounds like a job for me...

Superman jabs the tentacles to his head and attempts to control the ship with his pure thoughts, but it appears to be in vein until after awhile it's working. Superman takes deep breathes and tries concentrating, but it was too much mind power to process.

Batman: Create a bypass loop. Put the ship on autopilot!

Superman: [Grumbles] Hrnn! Trying!

???: My ship...

Batman looks to his side and sees Brainiac back up on his feet.

Brainiac: [Punches Batman down] You will not destroy my collection.

Brainiac lays Batman out with a fury of punches and turns his attention to Superman, seeing as he is the reason behind the ship being liberated.

Brainiac: [Angered] Relinquish my ship.

Superman tries keeping his hold on the ship, but even he knew he wouldn't be able to put the ship on autopilot and fight off Brainiac at the same time. Suddenly a red light is seen shooting at Brainiac and it appeared to be Supergirl, after using her heat vision. She falls to the ground and Brainiac turns around, looking directly at her with an angry look.

Brainiac: You will regret that.

Brainiac goes to finish Supergirl, but a smoke bomb goes off in between them.

Brainiac: [Turns to Batman; incest] You are persistent, but primitive theatrics cannot save you.

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