Green Lantern Story

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Green Lantern Pov:

After trying to stop the Joker, Batman and Robin and my group with Wonder Woman, Green Arrow and Aquaman(Excluding Hawkgirl)get transported to what looks to be like Gotham City as we now look at the city from a rooftop, trying to figure out what's going on.

GL(Green Lantern)/WW(Wonder Woman)/GA(Green Arrow)/Aquaman

GL: Gotham. Sort of.

GA: So... Temporal displacement? Alternative Earth?

WW: Could be either. We may have jumped to a different dimension. Or, events from our own timeline have changed and we're in a new, altered present.

Aquaman: We need to determine which. Soon. If Joker's bomb did detonate, we have to get back.

GA: The Watchtower should have picked up any anomalies, right?

WW: The Watchtower might not exist. I can't make contact, but what I'm wondering is where Bruce and Y/n ended up.

GL: We need to find out. Once my ring is charged I can get us there, maybe even find Bruce and Y/n's last known locations.

I suggest getting my ring charged, until Aquaman chimes in suggesting something completely different than my plan.

Aquaman: The Atlantis Archives. If this is an altered timeline, we might find a record of the triggering event there.

GA: Assuming there's an Atlantis.

WW: It's worth investigating. Let's you and I check things out here.

Wonder Woman says to Green Arrow, and I bring my ring up to my face hoping to find the nearest charger point.

Wonder Woman says to Green Arrow, and I bring my ring up to my face hoping to find the nearest charger point

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GL: Ring. Where's the nearest power battery?

Ring: The Ferris Aircraft facility in Coast City.

GL: Well at least that hasn't changed... Stay low. I'll be back a-sap.

I depart for the Ferris Aircraft facility in my hometown of Coast City, determined to find out about this alternate dimension and maybe even the disappearance of Batman and Robin.

I depart for the Ferris Aircraft facility in my hometown of Coast City, determined to find out about this alternate dimension and maybe even the disappearance of Batman and Robin

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