Assault on Stryker's Island: Blue Beetle and Firestorm Story

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Back at the base, in their secluded room, Y/n and Barbara are seen in bed. He has his arm draped over her and the two smile, feeling nothing but each other's embrace. Suddenly a knock is heard on the door and the two slowly awaken from their sleep.

Barbara: [Looks up; smiles] Hey...

Y/n: [Looks down; also smiles] Hey... [Looks to clock; sighs] To think we'd be in here that long. It's currently half past 8:00.

Barbara: [Latches onto Y/n; closes eyes] It was worth it if I'm with you, Y/n...

Y/n: Not that I want to end this, but we've gotta get up eventually.

Barbara: Okay. When you put it like that, I guess we've got no choice.

Yet again another knock is heard at the door, and the two get up out of the bed.

Barbara: [Grabs change of clothes; puts hand on Y/n's cheek] I'm gonna get freshened up. You go see who's there.

Y/n: [Nods] Okay. Don't take too long.

As Barbara walks over to the bathroom, Y/n goes over to the door and opens it slowly to see Flash out there.

Flash: Hey, Y/n.

Y/n: Hey, Barry. What's going on?

Flash: Well, you and Barbara hadn't come out, so we were getting worried. [Smells the air] What's that smell, anyway?

Y/n: [Quickly changes subject] Nothing. Listen, if Bruce asks, just tell him we needed some time to ourselves.

Flash: Well, Hal came back. He was able to get Aquaman to side with us.

Y/n: Okay, we'll be out there when we're ready.

Flash leaves and Y/n walks back to the bed, looking to the wall. He looks to a picture of him, Barbara, Bruce and Alfred. It was a time after Dick left for Blüdhaven. They were coming off from locking up Two-Face and the four decided to celebrate with a party at Wayne Manor. It was also the time he asked Barbara to marry him. It was a special day for them all, but mostly for Y/n and Barbara.

Y/n: [Smiles at the picture] I love you, Barbara...

The scene goes to Brainiac where we see tentacles connecting to his head, until his eyes open.

Brainiac: The beta phase is complete. Earth's defense is irreversibly compromised. Begin the countdown.

Suddenly some ships appear out of the clouds and make their way to the major cities of the world. Behind them comes Brainiac's ship. Batman is seen walking up to Green Lantern and Flash, who're talking about the ships entering Earth's atmosphere.

Flash: I circled the globe. Larger ships are being positioned over these major cities.

Green Lantern: Even with Aquaman's Marines, we're still badly outnumbered.

Nightwing and Batgirl are seen walking over to them, and they look at the map.

Batgirl: [Worried] Gotham...

Green Lantern: [Looks to Batman] What's the plan? You have one, right?

Batman: We have to evacuate the occupied cities before taking on Brainiac.

Nightwing: But to do that, we'd need firepower...

Green Lantern: Any heavy-hitters on the Luthor-Wayne payroll?

Nightwing: We've got Blue Beetle and Firestorm.

Batgirl: But they're busy.

Flash: [Looks back to map] Too busy for this?

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