Sea of Troubles: Green Lantern Story

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The five are seen in the room from before, Green Lantern standing far away from the others and the Batfamily members and Flash standing at the table.

Flash: We need help, don't we?

Batgirl: [Points to Lantern; still angered] Not his, Barry. And I'm still pretty skeptical about you being in this, too.

Batman: I'm with Barbara on this, Barry.

Nightwing: We can't do this without Hal, guys.

Flash: Y/n's right. Besides, you gave me a second chance.

Batman: [Turns to Flash] Because you got your head straight and helped take down Clark.

Batgirl: And I won't forget what he swore to do when Clark killed Y/n. If he was still in charge... [Points back at Lantern] he'd still be wearing yellow.

Suddenly a cardboard box comes down onto Batgirl, but a green hand grabs it just in time. Hal then walks over to them, after constructing the green hand with his ring.

Green Lantern: I understand why you hate me. Believe me, I would hate myself for what he did to Y/n. But I'm not that guy anymore, Barbara. [Looks to Nightwing] You have hard feelings towards trusting me, too, Y/n.

Nightwing: You did kill my duplicate, Hal. Granted it was Superman who did the finishing blow.

Green Lantern: Look, I get why you don't trust me. But you should trust the Guardians. [Aims ring out] This ring means something. They put me through hell to get it back.

Batman, Batgirl and Nightwing all look at Green Lantern, obviously having mixed feelings about him being here, until he turns away.

Green Lantern: Fine. I've got my orders. Just thought it'd help if we cooperate.

Batman: [Calls him from table] Lantern. Maybe it's time I widened my circle of trust.

Batgirl: [Turns to Batman; concerned] Are you sure, Bruce?

Batman: If Barry is determined to trust him, I've got to trust him, too, Barbara. [Looks to her and Nightwing] I don't expect you, both of you to trust Hal just like that. But we'll need all the help we can get against Brainiac.

Nightwing: [Sighs] To hell with it, I'm in. [Looks to Batgirl; sees her look] I get why you hate him, but he's changed. Barbara, I'm with you if you're not 100% to trust him.

Batgirl: [Sighs; lightly smiles] Alright. I guess I'll try to fight my grudge. [Walks up to Lantern; stern look] But if you try anything, anything at all that seems troublesome, then I'll end you, Jordan.

Green Lantern: [Nods; walks back to Batman] What can I do?

Batman: You're going to Atlantis. Our circle of trust needs Aquaman and his Marines.

Batgirl: It'll be tricky. But with Green Lantern's help, we might be able to get Arthur.

Nightwing: And what makes you guys think he'll help?

Flash: I'm actually with Y/n on this one. Besides, he's been off-radar since the Regime fell.

Green Lantern: [Nervous; raises hand] Uh... He didn't like getting roped into the Regime by Superman. He sure won't be happy to see me.

Batman: [Walks away] Get used to that.

Green Lantern fights his own fears of the past and goes to Atlantis where he goes to Aquaman for help, but when he gets there the King of Atlantis is skeptical of the entire situation.

Aquaman: Batman and Nightwing wants my Marines to fight their battle? Like the time Superman ordered me to invade Metropolis?

Green Lantern: We were all on the wrong side of that war.

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