Three Kings: Aquaman and Black Adam Story

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With Superman's ultimatum in hand, Supergirl had two things to think about, and those were whether or not to trust her cousin or to trust Batman and Nightwing. Brainiac is now seen flying over Metropolis with his fleet following behind. People are nowhere to be found, streets are completely empty and a blue beacon envelops a building, sending it up to the ship. It was at this moment that the Extraction of the cities was happening, and the entire team was wondering how they could stop this before anything worse could happen to the major cities. On the ground, Kent Nelson was walking around, holding the Helm in his arm. He looked around at all the chaos that was occurring, feeling guilty for not being able to help in this dire situation. Innocent civilians were lying down on the ground dead, and he could only watch as Brainiac does what he wants. He looks up at the giant Skull Ship, but gets drawn out of his thoughts by...

???: Help... Help me!

He looked down at a woman, lying on the ground while holding onto what little life she had left. He attempted to reach for her, but the Order stopped him before he could do anything.

The Helm: [Echoed] No. [Kent pulls away]

Female Civilian: Please... [Slowly dies]

Kent Nelson: [To the Helm] Why can't I stop this? Why won't you let me fight back? How can there be Order if Brainiac wins?!

The Helm: [Echoed] Humanity breeds Chaos. Brainiac is Order.

At the Fortress of Solitude, Nightwing and Batgirl are seen walking inside and looking around for Robin.

Batgirl: [Sighs] Y/n, how do we know Damian's even changed?

Nightwing: He has. Granted he did kill Dick, but every hero deserves a second chance. Besides, Cassandra will need help for when she takes the suit.

Batgirl: Yeah, that's true.

The two run into the solarium where they see Robin, unconscious and lying down on the ground. They make their way over to Robin and start shaking him awake.

Nightwing: Damian, wake up.

Robin: [Groans] Barbara? Y/n?

Batgirl: What happened?

Robin: Last I knew Kara came to the Fortress saying Diana tried killing Quinn, then Clark had me and Adam stop her.

Nightwing: [Sighs] Just great. Brainiac's starting to extract the cities, Superman hasn't changed and now Kara might be in danger.

Batgirl: C'mon, guys. Remember who we are. Together, we're one of the greatest hero families the world has.

Robin: [Feeling down] I'm not a hero, remember. I even abandoned Bruce.

Nightwing: He's your dad, Damian. And he would be proud of you. [Smiles] Now, c'mon. We've gotta get back to the others.

Batgirl: Who're we stopping, Y/n?

Nightwing: If we're lucky, Brainiac and Superman.

Robin: Won't be easy. One of them has a whole fleet behind him and the other's got super powered meta-humans following him.

Nightwing: We'll deal with that once we get back to Metropolis.

The three nod and start running ahead, determined to save the world and maybe stop the Man of Steel from making a much bigger mistake than killing the Joker. Back in Metropolis, the Batwing is seen flying in the air towards the Skull Ship, with Batman and Catwoman sitting in the cockpit.

Catwoman: Superman and Supergirl are almost here. The others are tackling the fleet. Shouldn't we be in Gotham?

Batman: Brainiac controls the entire fleet from that Skull Ship. Take him down, take them all down.

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