Lex Luthor & Red X Story

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Another idea I had cooped up. Superman may have stopped Robin and Batman from getting away, but what about Lex Luthor and his world's Robin? By reading the name of this chapter you should know what's going to happen and this will be a sorta go into Injustice 2, simply because just like Green Arrow, Robin plans on staying in the parallel dimension to assist Batman, Batgirl and the Insurgency against the future endeavor of Superman plus he'll have a part to play in making Brother Eye in the second game. Onward with the chapter.

Three Hours Earlier:

Red X Pov:

I look over to Lex Luthor who's standing next to one of his armor suits, and while he's putting modifications on it I'm watching the television and listening to the news report about what's going on.

Reporter: Details from Stryker's Island are still sketchy. Insurgent forces attacked there nearly ninety minutes ago.

Camera Man: What? Andre's there now? Let's go live to Andre Garcia. Andre?

Andre Garcia: Thanks, Rob. It's chaos out here. High Councilor Superman and his One Earth forces are battling waves of giant, insect-sea like creatures. The metahumans are holding their own. But the regular military is in disarray.

Red X: This sounds too hard to believe, but I'm not complaining.

Lex Luthor: Mhm...

I look back at the television and see the whole situation coming out from it all.

Reporter: With Batman in custody is there any sign of who's directing this attack?

Andre Garcia: No idea. Can't see enough from our vantage point.

I look over to see Lex put one of those pills in his mouth and goes back over to his suit.

Red X: Lex... You do know what this will mean...? If you... give your life...

Lex Luthor: I could be asking you the same, Y/n. [Looks back to Red X] You don't have to do this. You know what Superman will do when he gets his hands on you, yet here you are risking your life to save those who can't save themselves.

Red X: [Brushes off the answer] I've been out of the fight for long enough, and its time someone puts their foot down Clark's mouth and makes him see just how idiotic all of this is. If I die, then I'm alright with that.

Lex, finally gets in his suit, start to talk to his suit's AI.

Lex Luthor: Seal appendage armor. Activate reactor core. Begin pre-flight check.

Suit AI: [All systems nominal. All inputs tethered. Neural command schema now online.]

Lex looks over at me and sees me in a much different costume than I was in.

Lex looks over at me and sees me in a much different costume than I was in

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(Red X Costume-Injustice)

Lex Luthor: Nice costume.

Red X: Thanks. I've had this one hiding in the Hall of Justice, and I even managed to get into the Hall of Doom to get some stuff for the finishing touches. [Clenches fist] Now, time to get back to work.

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