A new life

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Gosh, this apartment is minuscule. Well obviously, it's a loft. All made out of wood and iron bars, the house makes me think of an industrial plant. The lights are mild and it makes all the space gloomy. But it's home. Finally home.

Putting down my little luggage and my bass, the only thing I really care about in this life, I quickly climb the steel bars forming a thin ladder directing me on the top floor, where a little bed is adorned with sage green drapes with golden leaves. Wonderful. I jump on it and start observing the wooden beams painted white on the ceiling. I am finally in a place I can call home. I smile widely to myself and get up from the bed, ready to start this new life.

After my parents chased me away from "their" household, I jumped on the first plane with my little luggage and all the money I could collect from the birthdays and Christmases of my life. That was roughly 500€. I managed to buy a plane ticket to London and renting a minuscule loft for 2 months. Now I am bankrupt and I absolutely need to find a job. I unpack my backpack messily and go outside to find newspapers offering jobs:

"Secretary in BPM bank. Needs some experience." I have zero experience... Gosh, I'm 18 years old!

"McDonalds server" I'm allergic to peanuts and all that oil in those places could kill me.

"Requesting bassists for an upcoming rock band"...

Well, well, that's something interesting. There is a phone number underneath the message. I return to my lovely loft and search for the only phone in the whole apartment, right in front of the tiny kitchen counter. The phone is wine red, my favourite color. I slowly start entering the numbers in the machine with my fingers trembling. I don't even know why but stress is invading me.

Riiing... Riiing...

- Hello?

- Hello, I heard that you were having castings for bassists, I ask shakily.

- Yes, of course! The castings will be tomorrow evening at 7 pm, at the Stars Crushing pub! By the way, my name is Brian, I'm the band's guitarist.

- Well, thanks a lot for the opportunity you're giving me! My name is Y/N. See you tomorrow then!

- Have a good day!

Miiiiii... He just hang up.

I'm so happy for tomorrow, I really can't wait for it!

It's lunch time but I'm not hungry at all. I start discovering the loft but it's so little I finish in not less than 30 minutes. Bored, I go out and start a small walk in the neighbourhood. I take a large breath and as I am about to let it out of my mouth, a guy rushes next to me and makes me fall. What an as**ole! After realising he hit me, he turned around and instantly excused himself:

- I'm so sorry, he whispered carefully in a very British accent, I didn't see you.

- Don't worry, it's nothing.

He offers me his hand to help me lift me up from the dirty grey road. I look at him.

He had a pair of thick black sunglasses that hid his eyes. Some long gold wavy hair defines his perfect jawline and accentuated his candy pink lips. I think that thanks to the sun, he doesn't see me turn in a deep scarlet red.

- Now I really have to go though. Sorry again!, he says while running away again.

- Goodbye! I scream, hoping he would hear me.

My heart starts bouncing in my chest. So that was love at first sight... And probably also the feeling of unrequited love. But anyway, I am too happy to care about that.

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