A gig at Piccadilly

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"I- Is that Roger Waters?" , I exclaim as I start shaking.

I look at Brian with starry eyes, to see his reaction of Roger Waters coming to see our gig, but Brian is not looking at Roger. He's staring at a table of the bar. Two girls are seated there. One I've never seen in my whole life but the other one... OH MY, it's the girl from the recording shop, Christine!

"Bri, it's her!" , I talk to my friend, who's still in awe.

I go to the table where Christine and her friend are seated. They both turn and see me coming, Christine gets up and greets me. I explain her that I'm actual part of rock band and her eyes light up.

"Is it the group Queen? I've come here to see them with my friend here. If you're in the band, I rely on you for the show to be wonderful huh!" , she ironically says, I know she doesn't rely on me for all of the show. But to convince her it'll be a entertaining and amazing gig, I call Brian.

He slowly walks towards me and Christine, with a very visible blush on his cheeks.

"This is Brian, our guitarist! The most talented musician you could see around right now, the best guitarist since Hendrix!" , I praise Brian, with the result of him blushing even more.

Christine smiles sweetly and begins a discussion with Brian about guitars, as she is a guitarist too. I slowly walk away, to leave those two alone together, discussing Stratocasters and Gibsons. And Brian talking of his Red Special, obviously.

As I turn back, I see the bar's owner speaking to Roger Waters, pleased that a musician of such level was there in his bar. As I go past them to join the rest of the band backstage, I wave at Waters, who is visibly annoyed by the speech the owner is giving him, and he waves back with a slight smile. Backstage, Roger and Freddie are plugging in mics to the huge speakers.

"Hey guys! We took the guitar and Brian is happily discussing guitars with a girl. Let me tell you, he's madly in love..."

"I knew Brian would find someone someday!" , Roger taps his foot on the ground and Freddie laughs.

Our Romeo quickly joins us in the backstage, after some minutes, still with that dumb loving expression on his face.

"Christine is so sweet, and so cultivated about guitars!" , Brian starts talking about her but we three stop him from continuing, we hear the bar's owner introducing us on stage.

We go on stage, I quickly plug in my bass. We start with Liar. I impatiently wait for my bass solo to come and when it does,  I play it with the whole of my heart, closing my eyes and just going with the flow, and all of those other super cliché things. We play other 7 or 8 songs and we finish by doing an improvised instrumental version of "God Save The Queen".  Everyone cracks applauses, the gig was a huge success. Me, Brian, Roger and Freddie say thanks, Fred throws a rose in the audience and we go backstage again, hugging each other, proud of ourselves. Exiting the backstage and going where all the tables and the audience are, I notice Jim in the crowd that gathered at the exit.

"Jim! What are you doing here, how did you know we were playing here?"

"You know Y/N, when Roger Waters goes in a minuscule bar seeing an unknown band, I will know"

"Makes sense"

"You guys were amazing! That first song was just breath taking! Your bass skills are impressive!"

"Thanks Jim! Would you maybe like to join us for a beer?"

"Of course I would! Heading somewhere in particular?"

"I don't think so."

We walk towards the rest of the band, who are waiting for me at the exit. Christine is also there, but not her friend.

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