A normal rehearsal...

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"We have these studios whenever there's anyone. So usually at night. But today we're lucky, it's morning and we all had some sleep!", Freddie exclaims, slamming the recording studio's door open, "Or maybe you two didn't..."

"Freddie, can you shut up? I beg you!", complains Roger, while pretending to punch him.

I've never seen such studios. Everything seems so professional, so giant, so perfect! We're surrounded by recording pros that just started plugging in all of our instruments.

"Hey Bri! That's a wonderful guitar! What brand is it?", I ask curiously to Brian. That really is a great guitar, the colour, the wood quality,...

"Oh, it's a Fender! Just kidding, I made it. With the help of my father!", Brian responds jokingly.

"YOU DID WHAT? How can you do that? It's a masterpiece!", I scream, ecstatic.

"And wait to hear the sound of this beauty...", says Brian smirking, with a proud grin on his face.

"Ok, Bri, I understand you're in love with your guitar but we all would like to move on", says Freddie, right before smiling with a full teethed grin.

We all laugh at Freddie's fool face and then start talking about what we could record. Freddie wants to do some operatic stuff, Roger some drum s**t I never heard in my life but then Bri had a wonderful idea...

"Why don't we work on Y/N's bass solo? Something could come out!", he suggested.

"Come on, play it!", said Roger popping out from behind his drum set, "Can you remember how it sounded?", Roger tapped my shoulder.

I jump a little of surprise to the sudden touch of Roger. But I don't think any of the boys saw me.

"F'course I remember it, I'm not a gold fish!", I say with a mocking smirk.

I lift my bass and start playing my solo. Upon the sound of my bass I hear scream "Liar!".

"Why did you scream that?", Brian exclaimed lifting his arms, questioning.

"I don't know, I just felt it could fit.", admits Freddie.

"It BLASTED!", I jump, throwing my instrument in the air and catching it.

"It did actually, that was awesome!", adds Rog.

"Let's work out this s**t and make it become a MASTERPIECE!", screams Fred enthusiastically.

We stayed in the studio until 4 pm, when a guy toughly made us come out of the room. Exiting the building, I see The Rolling Stones entering in our studio. Wait WHAT? THE ROLLING STONES? Oh gosh, I'm gonna faint.

"I see you discovered that De Lane Lea is not so "underground". Important people come here to record, like Pink Floyd, Bee Gees, The Who. The Beatles too before they split up.", Freddie exclaimed proudly.

"Wow, how did you manage to obtain the permission to record in this palace of celebrities?", I asked, intrigued by all those band names that made my childhood more fun and full of memories.

"I don't know. I think the persuasive talking of Bri.", Roger interrupts.

"Yeah, he's so eloquent actually.", Fred adds, with a very neutral tone of voice.

"Oh thanks!", thanks Bri, "I already knew".

"You really can't take a compliment, can you?", huffs Roger.

I laugh. They are literal children... I follow them as we start talking about everything that comes to our mind. Our favourite groups, favourite food, favourite places. I found out that Bri is studying astrophysics, Freddie just finished his art degree and that Roger was doing studies for dentists. DENTIST! I imagine him telling a kid: "Come on, open your mouth! Wide open!" to a poor child stretched on the chair scared by Roger's scissors. He also loves cars.

"I mean, Rog loves cars not in a "hobby way", but in a "relationship way". Isn't it ridiculous?", Freddie's discussing.

I look at Roger amused by Fred's affirmation but he is already looking at me, with his glacial eyes and with a pensive look printed on his face. His eyes are entering mine and I can't help but be turned up. I feel my cheeks blush hard and I see the corners of his lips twist in an adorable smile. His nose climbs a little up his perfect face and his nostrils start ventilating fast, as if he had just run a marathon. He suddenly sticks out his tongue and I can't manage to stop the flow of laughs coming out my mouth. He's so silly. I'm so silly. We're all so silly!


I'm so sorry for making the wait so long but my parents put a time limit on my phone so it will be a bit difficult updating frequently.

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