"How do we call this thing we are?"

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Hello everybody, I think I'm going to stop putting little stars when some "bad words" appear in the story. If any of you care, I'm sorry for you (I'm joking I'm not).


"So, we 3 share this capharnaüm of music, beers, tea and cigarettes. You can come here whenever you want!", Freddie exclaimed slamming the door of his, Brian and Roger apartment open."

I look on the floor, the messiest I have ever seen. Some paper with lyrics on it are hanged on the walls, on the doors, on the ceiling, EVERYWHERE! Entire bags of chips are spread all over the beautiful Persian styled carpet. A drum kit is placed next to the little TV in front of a ripped sofa. The kitchen, formed by a sink, a refrigerator and some pans all over the minuscule stoves is painted with something red. My ideas on what it could be go from ketchup to blood.

Roger grabs some drumming sticks from a cupboard hidden behind the entrance door, jumps on the sofa and starts beating the sticks on his legs.

"Well, this is our cove! We love it and we don't complain! A bit messy but don't mind, you get used!", says Roger with a light tone of voice.

He grabs a bottle of beer from the floor and takes a sip. We four sit down on the sofa, all squished up between each other. A moment of embarrassing silence takes place before Brian starts talking.

"And how do we call... this, this thing we are?", Brian softly says, pointing out his index finger and turning it around.

"The Rich Boys", screams Roger.

"I'm neither a boy, neither rich", I comment.

"Cats are cute", launches Freddie.

Me, Roger and Brian turn to him, with incredule eyes and we exclaim all together: "What the fuck?!"

"What, it's a band name!", replied Freddie, crossing his arms and putting on a pouty face.

"What about something more... uhm... elegant?", suggested Brian, "I have no idea though."

"Hello, I'm Brian and I am the queen of England. I say nonsense.", Roger jumps off the couch and imitates Brian.

"Hey, Queen's not bad!", I say.

"Darling, that name is regal and magnificent. And glammy! It's perfect! Love it!", says Freddie, exclaiming and starting to jump up and down.

After a 5 minutes discussion, we vote unanimously for "Queen". We all lift our asses from the couch and I direct my walk towards the entry door.

"I'm gonna head out! See you tomorrow!", I wave goodbye to the boys.

Exiting the apartment, I finally breathe clean air, not polluted by my friends' mess and stink. I hear a voice screaming behind me.

"Y/N! Wait!", Roger screams and runs for me while attracting the attention of a taxi.

We two climb on it and I ask him why he was here.

"What, someone changes their minds for the band's name?", I demand ironically, gently pushing on Roger's shoulder.

"No, don't worry, there's no problem with that, we all love Queen! Speaking of which, now I'm coming home with you to make you feel like a queen, MY queen", Roger says, smirking pronouncing the last words, turning me immediately on.


Is there anyone against some half smut/big graphic description? If yes, warn me before it's too late (you won't stop me though). And sorry if this chapter is so short.

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