"Let's go get some lunch"

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Yawn... Gosh, I'm so tired! I get up when I realise I am fully naked. I look around me, searching for a hint of what happened and then I see Roger, naked as me, sleeping like a baby under my bed sheets. Oh my god, I'm not a virgin anymore! Wait, do I have to feel happy about this? Well, it means I'm grown up now!

I swiftly tap on Rog's shoulder to wake him up.

"What?", he grunts keeping his eyes closed, "you want a round 4?"

"No dear, no round 4, but it's 11 am and we should wake up, don't you think?", I say softly, whispering in his ear and making him shiver.

"Hell, it's not even that late! Come on, come here baby!", Roger whines, stretching his arms up to the ceiling, yawning and still keeping his eyes closed.

"No, YOU come on! Get and dress up, I want to have breakfast and you're coming with me!"

Roger slowly gets up, yawning, begging to have pity for him, to let him sleep but I don't get persuaded easily. He finally gets dressed and we're all set to go. I direct my steps to "Le Café Botanique" and walk in screaming "Oh Veronicaaaa!".

"Vero's not here today but I am! Pleased to meet you, my name's John, John Deacon", says a brunette long haired man who looks as young as me popping out from behind the café counter. He looks very sweet.

"Well hello, I'm Y/N, a friend of Vero and an obsessed customer of this place! Are you a friend of hers?", I present myself politely.

"No, I'm his boyfriend. Probably she didn't talk to you of me, we met a week ago.", he says while shaking my hand with his delicate skinned palms.

"I know Veronica since 3 or 4 days. Don't worry, I'm a newby too!", I say laughing.

I would love to start talking with John but I hear a scoff behind me, clearly trying to attract me.

"Hey Y/N! How are you doing?", I hear Jim say, with a cup of tea in his hand and some of it spilled on his green tie.

"Hey, it's been a long time no see!", I respond.

I hear another cough, this time Roger's, who is visibly annoyed by me talking to "strangers".

"Jim, this is my... uhm... very close friend Roger", I present Roger to Jim, "Jim, Roger. Roger, Jim"

"It's a pleasure to meet you! What about we all eat together? Come on, I'll pay!", suggests Jim.

In the end, we 3 sit down at the same table as John comes to take our orders. We all order an espresso and some cake slices. I eat devouring everything on my plate.

"So, Roger, what do you do for a living?", Jim asks, with his natural politeness.

"I'm the drummer and one of the singers in a group called Queen", says that blue eyed boy, emphasising the "Queen" to make me smile.

"I'm the bassist of the band!", I exclaim, impatient of showing Jim my successful mission of getting a job, even though it's not well paid.

"I'm I hearing about basses? I'm a bassist!", says John, coming towards us to take our now empty plates.

"No way, I'm a bassist too!", I say lifting my hand to take a high five from John. But as he lifts his hand, the tray full of dirty plates falls off and goes all over my yellow cotton and bordeaux silk dress. Thank God, the dishes are empty.

"Sorry, I'm so clumsy!", says John, reddening from the embarrassment.

"Don't worry, we all are", I say to myself in my head.

"It's getting late now! See you around!", tells us all Jim before leaving the shop but still paying for our breakfast.

As he left, Roger huffs and takes me by the hand as he leaves the café. I quickly say goodbye to John, who seems very nice, and I leave.

"I'm so fucking tired, please let me sleep!", says Roger, begging. He takes my hands as he stands right in front of me.

"Nah", I respond, drained of every energy to even fight about it.

"Fuck me! I mean, fuck you!", says Roger, surely not accidentally.

"You fuck me", I say, slightly biting my lip. Energy came back suddenly.

"Oh, you're so so needy, are you?", he says looking at me with his eyes, blue diamonds smirking at me.

⚠️half smutty⚠️

I pull him up to me as I start entering his mouth. He separates us immediately, takes me in a bridal style in his arms and go right to my apartment. Entering, I immediately start undressing him, unbuckling his belt, unbuttoning his shirt and salivating in his mouth as his tongue enters mine. Not wanting to reach for the bed, I throw him on the couch, still kissing him. I start touching his torso strategically to make him start moaning as I start biting his neck. I feel his boner against the tight hold of his leather pants. Suddenly, he switches places and takes me under him.

"So needy and so naughty... That's my girl", he says, almost growling. He starts pressing his boner on my lower abdomen, making me feel how needy HE was.

I start stripping in front of his hungry body but...

⚠️end of half smutty scene⚠️

"Hello darlings! Do you want to come have lunch with ussssss...? Hey, what the fuck, last night didn't satisfy you?" says, actually no, SCREAMS Freddie entering my house.

"How do you know what happened last night?", I ask perplexed, rebuttoning my dress up.

"We wanted to have a night out to have a beer so we came here and, even on the street, we could hear what you two were doing", Brian responded, lifting his eyebrows, wanting to signalise the evidence of his answer.

"Fucking", adds Freddie, not satisfied with Bri's answer.

Roger, becoming all red from embarrassment, gets up from the couch, still with his naked torso exciting me. He grabs Fred's neck of the shirt and lifted him up and says coldly "Let's go get some lunch".

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