Truth or dare?

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Everybody remained in the water until 7 pm, when the pool closed. We changed in the restrooms next to the pool and now we're going up to our bedrooms as no one of us is hungry and we're all tired. As we pass by the reception, the lady behind the counter calls us.

"So, one of our clients just left. If you still want it, the room will be clean in 20 minutes or something!", she says, a bit disinterested.

"No, we'll be alright! Thanks though!", Mary intervenes.

We all climb up the stairs to rest in our rooms. As I wave goodbye to the boys, Roger drags me in for a big goodbye hug. As he rests his chin on my shoulder, he whispers something in my ear:

"Meet me in an hour in the common room"

He finally gives me a stamp kiss and leaves, not looking back. As I walk towards my room, Mary grabs my arm and interlocks her arm with it.

"What did he tell you?"


"You are a shit at lying."

"OK. He just told me to meet him in the common room in an hour."

"And that's all?"


"Okay... Wait, come with me! I have to give you something!"

She pulls me in our room and starts searching for the thing in her giant purse.

"Where the fuck are they? Oh, here! Grab!"

She throws me a condom.

"Are you joking?", I ask her, looking in her eyes. She's going to surely explode laughing but keeps her distinctive posture.

"Of course not, what do the fuck you think you two are going to do huh?"

"Eh, talk? Play a game? How would I know?"

"Play a game? Really, I'm not joking, YOU are!"

"Whatever... Jim, wanna do something?", I say to Jim who just entered the room.

"What about a card game?"

"I'mma beat your asses", I scream.

"We're going to see that", Jim throws me a defying look.

"I'm not playing guys. I have no interest in assisting a murder. I'm going to take a shower!"

Jim sits on the floor as I take the playing cards from a drawer. I sit down too and we start playing. Time flies and, suddenly, I hear Mary scream that an hour has passed.

"Well , Y/N, you are a miserable little loser.", Jim says jokingly.

"We'll see next time...", I say as I exit the room and walk towards the corridor.

I enter the common room and I see nothing but Roger seated on a sofa, visibly waiting for me.

"Let's go Y/N."

"Rog, where?"

"You remember that room the receptionist has told us about. Yeah, I've booked it for right now. Let's go."

We enter the room, who is on floor zero, no stairs have been took. We jump on the bed.

"Let's play a game", Rog says intriguingly.

So I was right and Mary was wrong.

"Let's play truth or dare.", he continues.

Ok, I was wrong.

"Every truth and every dare is allowed. Just one rule: we can't exit the room until the game is finished."

"Ok. You start.", I say to him, nodding with my head.

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