A quick meeting

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I'm sorry this has taken so long, but a problem occurred and all this chapter I had written was erased. I really liked it, I'm so sorry.


It's so soon in the morning but I can't help and get up. I go to the kitchen and start making some pancakes. After 30 minutes or so, I hear some steps entering the small kitchen and see Freddie's messy hair approaching the counter,.

"Fred, it's 5:30 in the morning, what are you doing up?!" , I almost scream.

"I could ask you the same question."


"I'm just excited about this afternoon and couldn't sleep any longer."

"I have to get ready for the meeting.", he says non-chalantly.

As always, I can't control my voice tone and scream: "Fred, IT'S IN THE AFTERNOON!!"

"Don't scream Y/N, you'll wake the whole building up."

"I'm sorry. Do you want to help me prepare these pancakes?"

"Of course hun, let me see..."

Me and Freddie spend the next two hours making, arguing and laughing pancakes. Brian wakes up as we finished the last pancake.

"Right on time Doctor Brian!", Freddie smiles, with his white teeth showing and glowing in the sunlight.

"M'not a docto' ye'...", Brian grumbles with a tired low voice.

"What about Rog?", I ask.

The boys strangely respond at unison: "Roger? He's sleeping.". Freddie also adds: "Sweetheart, you should've already learned that he sleeps until 11 AM if he goes to bed at 9 PM or 3 AM.".

We all sit down, put the huge plate of pancakes between us and start devouring that mass of sweetness. I put some jelly on it, Brian pours litres of maple syrup on his pile, Freddie decides to eat them dry, with no garnish. Too bad for him, I guess.

As the last pancake is eaten and the last stomach filled, we decide to wake up Roger. But, as the two boys clearly made me understand, not even a nuclear bomb can wake him up. I pick up my bass, Bri takes his guitar and Freddie goes behind Roger's drum kit. We branch everything to the amplifiers. I start playing the lowest notes in the most illogical way I can. Brian starts doing non-sense on his guitar, sliding his fingers up and down the neck of his Red Special. Freddie starts beating randomly on the snares and plates. What we're doing is absolute shit and it's so rumourous probably the whole building can hear this cacophony. After a few minutes, we see a blonde head peaking out the door and then shouting.

"FRED DON'T TOUCH MY FUCKING DRUMS YOU FUCKER!", Roger nearly jumps on Freddie.

"Chill out blondie, there was no other way of getting you up.", I swift my hand over his shoulder.

"Fuck y'all", Roger gives us all a dirty look.

We all put down our instruments and throw ourselves on the couch in front of the TV and put on the BBC. Some guy is doing a cover song of "I am the Walrus".

"What the hell? Is he on drugs or what? The song is already strange like it is and he adds a fucking recorder! This song really doesn't need a supplemental flute!!", Roger says, with his mouth full of cereal and milk.

"Talk with your mouth empty.", I say, making a disgusted face. Freddie giggles and Brian smiles.

Time flies and it's finally 1 PM. Me and the boys aren't hungry. AT ALL. We decide to skip lunch, maybe grab a snack after the meeting. We start preparing. I don't have motivation to put on make-up, I just throw on a small trait of eye-liner borrowed to Freddie. I throw on a black cropped shirt, red leather cropped jacket, flared jeans and some Roger's shoes resembling to Doc Martins. Today, I'm going for a rock look.

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