"Why are you here?"

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"Hey Y/N, you forgot me here"

Who's that voice? Oh god, Bri and Freddie forgot to take Roger.

I climb down my ladder only to face Roger, that now seems completely fine and completely sober. He is looking at me as if he was waiting something. I can't bear this silence.

"Are you hungry?", I sigh, "Do you want something to eat? I have some bread, some cat food,..."

"I'm hungry for you", he whispers.

My head tilts as my brow automatically lifts. What's his problem? He's probably still a bit drunk.

"Oh Rog, please, return on the couch. You're still incredibly drunk. How can a shot of whiskey make you feel so bad?", I ask him politely.

He looks at me in a way a mouse would look at the cat one second before killing him. He is clearly intimidated. Strange, I am 18, he's surely older than me, how can he be so frightened by me?

Roger doesn't move, he is like a statue in the middle of the kitchen, petrified by an invisible force. I walk towards him and bring him to the couch. God, I know him since yesterday and I am already attached to him like a mother is attached to his kid.

"I'm cold", he says in his shorts and t-shirt.

"I don't have anything to warm you up", I tell him, annoyed, "Wait, I have an idea. C/N! Where are you?"

Incredibly, my little kitten already knows her name and comes meowing to me. I pick her up slowly and put her on Roger's chest.

"Oh, she's so warm!", he screams, ecstatic, with his seaside eyes warming up my heart while they're watching C/N.

The little creature takes place on his thorax and starts purring prettily. I lean on to my kitty to caress her when I feel a hand on my cheek slowly turning my head towards Roger's. His soft smile comes at a slow place towards my lips to finally gently embracing them.

I see Roger's thick black eyelashes closing while I'm closing mine and exchanging the kiss, pressing my lips against his, in a rougher way than him. Our tender kiss never seems to break. C/N jumps off Rog's chest, so, I gradually get closer to him. I repose my hand on his shoulder, touching his strong arm.

Getting closer, I feel his hair getting electrified and touching my face. I finally open my eyes to see the fire of our kiss expanding through all our bodies. I can feel my cold hands on his warm elbows while I try making the kiss last longer. I feel his delicate touch on my shoulder blade, I feel his fingers pinching the skin of my scapula. Closing my eyes back, I feel Roger lifting his mouth away from mine.

"Wow", I sough, "That was..."

"Wonderful", he completes.

He lifts me with his drummer's muscled arms and puts me down on the couch, below him.

He gingerly places a kiss on my nose. He then comes back, beginning a passionate kiss that I keep going, letting his impatient tongue enter my mouth. His talkative mouth is finally shut and savagely pressed against mine. I put my right hand on his cheekbone and my left enveloping his back from side to side, pulling him closer to me, closing up his body with mine, pushing the limits of our bodies narrowly. I ultimately find his physique pulled up on mine, embracing my mouth as anyone has ever done before.

I swiftly intricate my fingers in his golden hair, through the dunes of his yellow sand locks. I have more than butterflies, I have a whole zoo in my stomach. I lightly pull his fluffy curls and, he softly moans in the kiss. I am positively surprised of his reaction.

Roger slowly takes his lips apart from mine. I still have the taste of his whiskey and smokey saliva in my mouth, on my tongue, in my body, in my soul.

"Should we sleep?", he suggests, "And I promise, I will do NOTHING to you without your consent during the night, I PROMISE."

"Don't worry, I trust you. I don't know why but I do", I agree while wiping off the subtle string of saliva coming through my mouth and connecting it to Roger's.

I indicate him my bed and we two go to sleep all dressed, too tired and excited to be able to change into something more comfortable. I feel his arms cuddling me all the night in my bed, leaving his smokey and whiskey smell all to me.


Finally something happened. Gosh, it took me SO MANY TIME!

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