The petrol station

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We're all in Roger's car, all squished because of the supplementary person. I, having the ton of chicken wings in my arms, I'm lucky at the front of the car.

"Now that we're all in the car, I suggest we play a car game, the travel will last long", Roger says, actioning his little jewel's motor.

"I propose we do an anecdote contest! The one with the best anecdote wins!", Mary exclaims.

"I start!", Freddie says, " So, when I was 15..."

I discretely take a chicken wing but everyone notices and claims one. Giggling, I pass a bucket to the back, to make it easier for them.

As I lick the tip of my fingers, finishing my delicious chicken delicacy, I turn my head in Roger's direction. His right hand on the turning wheel and the left one on the change. Wait, the LEFT one? Oh, never mind, ENGLISH cars. Anyway, his whole body is relaxed in Brian's gigantic t-shirt, it has a big bee in the middle. The shirt is so childish that as I notice that small insect, I burst in a little laugh, that attracts Roger attention. He turns his head towards me for a fraction of a second but that is enough for me. I savour his luscious hair and his bright white smile. His eyes seem liquid.

"Hey big boy...", I say tapping repeatedly on his shoulder. I approach his ear, "Focus on the road. Don't watch me with that sexy smile." I bite my lip.

"You're doing great!"

I have a minuscule jump-scare. That was Freddie.

"First time flirting?"

"Kind of...", I response shyly.

"You're fantastic! You have that great confidence that all Italians seem to have!", Fred smiles.

"The only thing I'm proud of is finding you and not having a shitty English! What confidence are you talking about?", I say, lowering my eyes.

"Y/N, you are a natural extrovert, you just reach out so well and don't even notice!", Freddie giggles, "Keep going though, I KNOW this will make Rog fall to his knees!"

I lift my eyebrows in misunderstanding for a second, then everything clarifies in my head. I lick my lip then wink at Freddie jokingly and he gives me a big thumbs up.

I sit back in my seat and search for a comfortable position to, of course, attract a bit of Roger's attention, so precious to me.

"Babe, would you mind watching me", I pull the top part of my dress slightly down, to show all my collarbone, "Just for a second"

"No, I'm driving", Roger coldly answers. But I endure.

"Please", I beg him once more. I grab his left and and kiss the back of it, finishing with a slow lick, "Only a moment".

"You know what?", he says with a challenging tone of voice, "EVERYBODY WE'RE GOING TO STOP, I NEED SKITTLES"

"But it's already 2 pm! When will we arrive to the open air cinema", Brian asks.

"In a bit less then an hour, according to our map", Freddie answers back, "I suggest we eat now, then it'll be too late"

"This way we will not even risk to dirty all Robert's car!", says Mary, enthusiastic, who didn't want to be unpleasant to anyone.

"It's Roger honey, not Robert", Freddie corrects her.

"Oh, here's a petrol station!", indicates Jim.

"I pull up!", Roger turns the turning wheel and parks in the station's parking lot.

We all climb down the car to stretch our legs and arms, that were all crooked up.

"I'm going to buy some chips and Skittles, Y/N come with me!", Roger signals to everybody.

I follow him in the station's shop, almost reluctantly. As I approach the snacks shelf, I hear Roger reprimand me:

"Not here baby", he grabs me by the arm, "Here", he says as he drags me towards a door. It's the showers room door.

"You know what you did was dangerous? We don't distract the conductor while hems driving, don't we?", he pins me to the wall of a shower cabin, "You teased me so bad..."

"Rog, the others are waiting for us...", I stutter with a fake scared tone of voice.

"No no baby, now it's MY turn to tease you, and you don't try to oppose or touch me"

⚠️bla bla not appropriate⚠️

He grabs my wrists attaches them with his right hand behind my back. He then begins to lick my lips, so slowly it makes me desperate for more. I try to lean for a kiss but he blocks me before my lips can touch his flesh.

"I said, no touching."


"No buts, and shut up, Freddie, Bri and the others are waiting for us"

He releases my hands from behind my back and inserts his thumbs in my panties and begins massaging my pelvic area, pressing on it. I met out a small moan. But as it comes out, Roger stuffs my mouth with his strong tongue and kisses me roughly. I try to respond but he rejects my mouth. But I don't feel used. No, Roger has his hands on my cheeks and now is not caring anymore of his little "revenge game". I kiss back and initiate a french kiss. I feel Roger smile in the kiss and, after a few moments, he breaks the kiss.

⚠️end of bla bla⚠️

"Don't distract me anymore"


Hey guys, I'm so sorry I didn't update in so long but a big, ehm, event occurred in my life and I was a bit distracted. I'm super sorry, please forgive me. And I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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