Love day

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"So, what do we eat?", I say opening the menu of the pub in which we just arrived.

"I'm not hungry", says Roger yawning.

"Me neither", adds Brian.

"Same here", Freddie gives the last shot.

"Then what the fuck are we even doing here?", I talked out loud, throwing my hands to the front.

"Me and Fred thought you two would be hungry after such a night!", Bri tries to justify his invite to eat out.

"We already ate!", Roger cuts off, scared of what could Freddie or Brian add again.

"Well, today there's no studio available so...", Freddie says, waiting for some ideas to do something.

"Looking for some chicks?", says Roger grinning, then his face turns as white as milk when he sees me gently lifting my brows with my head tilted towards him, "Actually no!"

He turns to me and whispers in my ear: "Sorry baby, it's just that I'm used to this kind of... ehm... activity of research. Anyway, it will not happen again"

I smile to him with my lips closed. He is already showing signs of unfaithfulness. Why the fuck I always love TOO beautiful people?!

"Don't worry Rog, there's no problem, it's just a bad habit", I tell him, hiding my disappointment.

"Shopping?", says Freddie lifting his hands in the air, smiling and lifting his eye brows so high they could reach the sky.

"I do need some clothes, I only have two full outfits...", I added to sustain Fred's idea.

"Whatever's up for you is ok for me!", slips Brian in the conversation.

"Then let's go!", says Freddie exultantly, "Come on beauty pies, let's not waste any time!"

We four climb in the back of a cab. I'm looking at my friends. I am squeezed between Bri, that poodle haired man, and Roger, that looks like a girl but is still sexy in a manly way. Freddie's eyes are glittering in joy, probably because he's not used to go shopping with his bandmates. Suddenly, he is like traversed by shivers and turns to me.

"Hey Y/N! Here's your pay! We will pay you weekly. I know it's only been 3 days but you will need some money to shop something fancy for you!", he says while handing me 50 €.

"Hey, that's a fucking lot for a week! Thank you so much!", I thank, watching at the money like it's my precious son.

The cab finally arrives at Carnaby street, like requested, and we all climb down.

"So, I'll just need some bottom wear, like pants or skirts... Someone has any suggestions?", I say, looking at my friends and lifting my bottom lip to my top one.

"There's a hippie shop not so far away", Bri says.

We all walk towards the direction Brian pointed out. I suddenly see a poster hanged on a record shop:

"Looking for employees with some music skills.  Part time job, 300 € a month"

WHAT THE FUCK?! My eyes widen at the view of that number. Hey, that could be me winning that money! Hey, that thing is a part-time job, Queen isn't always recording, I could manage to do both!

"Hey yo guys, I'm entering just a second in that record shop! Just wait here for me please!", I say, while running towards the boutique.

A bell rings above my head while I open the red door of the shop. I see a girl behind the the counter with long brunette with blonde shades hair and with the extremities of her greenish eyes cutely tilting down to her red cheeks. I rush towards her.

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