"MY guitar!"

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After hours of traffic, of Roger screaming and of everybody singing, Queen and their friends finally arrive at Piccadilly. Exiting the car, Roger puts an arm around my shoulders as we enter the bar. The manager welcomes us:
"Welcome everybody, you must be Queen! That's the backstage, you can find some instruments there!", he points his index to what the backstage should be.

"HELL NO MAN! I need MY guitar!", Brian shouts from behind.

Brian rushes out the bar. I run to him.

"Bri, you'll be fine without your Red Special, don't worry!"

"No I won't, I NEED HER."

"You're talking about it as if it was a human..."

"Well, she occupies a huge space in my heart, so she deserves to be well treated!"

"Brian, we will need your excellent skills and great personality on stage, come please!"

"Not without my guitar!"



"What do you think we can do then? The gig should start in one hour!"

"Well, we can take a taxi and go home to take my guitar!"

"Brian, I never thought I would've said that, but are you dumb or something? We're in PICCADILLY, it's too busy around here!"

"Y/N, I can't play without my Red Special!"

"Yes you can!"


"Are you renouncing to a gig in Piccadilly because you don't have your guitar?"



Roger comes out the bar, hearing all the screaming.

"What's happening here?"

"Brian's being a baby because he wants his little guitar so we're going to pick "her" up!", I respond angrily.

I run to the metro stop, and Brian quickly catches me up. We quickly pay our tickets and we wait for the next train to arrive.

"Uh Y/N, thanks. I-I can't really explain why but I really need my guitar... Thanks for accompanying me.", he looks down at his feet, as if ashamed.

"Ugh Brian, I swear that if we arrive late at the gig, I'm going to throw you by a window!", I say, still a bit angry.

"I'm really sorry.", Brian continues.

"No problem Brian, you're one of my only friends, I would never stay angry at you for long.", I look up at him softly, "You fucking tree-man."

"HEY, that's offensive!", he pulls my hair.

"You're going to PAY for this Brian.", I menace him, "When you LEAST expect it!".

The train arrives and we two climb on it, squished in between other passengers. It'll be a 20 minutes ride to go and 20 to return. We have to RUN. In the tube, I don't hang on the metal bars, I hang onto his right arm, just to piss him off.

"I'm not a tube bar.", Brian protests.

"Yes you are, you tree!", I exclaim, tugging even more on his red shirt.

We climb down at our stop and we start running to reach the boys' apartment. As we enter the staircase, we slow down.

"Keys!", I scream to Brian who launches them to me. I run to the door and smash it open.

Brian runs in his room and puts his beloved in her case and comes out of the room with it on his back.

"C'mon, let's go Y/N!", Brian shouts running out of the door.

"You know, I'm the one who was waiting for you.", I roll my eyes at him.

"Anyway, let's go.", he climbs down the stairs running.

The following scene goes on in slow motion. I see Brian trip and his guitar following him. I run to him and grab his guitar case at the last second.

"Y/N, I saw my all life in front of me, ending now!", Brian whispers, out of breath.

"Don't worry, I got you.", I say to him, smiling.

Brian turns around and gives me a big hug a bit suffocating me. When he stops, he starts quickly walking towards the metro stop. We soon arrive there and as we enter the underground,, we hear the metro stopping a few meters in front of us. We scan our tickets at the speed of light then rush, as if it was for our lives we run. We manage to enter the train and, Brian hugs his guitar case.

"Yes...", he whispers, out of breath.

"We did it Bri, we'll be there 10 minutes in advance!"

"YES, you're the best Y/N!!", Brian exclaims and hugs me, with his guitar case between me and him.

"Yeah Bri, we did it!", I say, "We did it motherfucker! We're playing at Piccadilly tonight!"

As we enter the bar, we see someone VERY SPECIAL...


I'm sorry this is so short guys, i hope you liked it though!

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