"Hello fuckers!"

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"We're home fuckers!", I scream entering the three guys' apartment. Bri and Jim are following me.

As I enter in the small living room, I see Freddie on the phone making signs to me to make me shut up.

"Yeah, whenever you want, even now. Oh really, that's perfect! We're making some more then! No no, we don't mind. Now that Y/N and Bri are back home, I see we'll also have another guest! No, we don't need anything in particular, but do bring some beers if you want, they are welcomed! Yeah, I already gave you the address. See you darling!"

As Brian is opening all the chicken boxes, me and Jim stand next to Freddie, waiting for him to hang up the phone, as he soon does.

"You know the girl from Biba we met the other day, Mary? Yeah, she's coming with a few beers...", Freddie alerts us.

"Is this a fucked up date, Fred?", I hear Roger say from the bathroom.

After a few seconds , I see him coming out of it with a towel wrapped around his hips. Rog doesn't have extremely physical abs but fuck, he's HOT. His long blonde hair is dripping with water as a strong smell of hair conditioner fills the room.

"Roger, we have a guest, you can't just walk around dressed, or should I say UNDRESSED, like that. Go put something on!", Freddie scolds him.

Roger sees that Jim is there, standing up behind the kitchen counter, trying to occupy his eyes by looking at the ceiling, the floor, the kitchen sink. He is visibly embarrassed by what's going on. But Roger is like zoned out in the middle of the living room, as if Medusa had petrified him. I grab him by his arm and drag him into the first room I notice, Brian's one.

"Earth calls Roger! Are you here?", I elongate my words as I swing my hand in front of his eyes.

"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry, sometimes I zone out a bit. But who's that guy in the living room?", Roger asks, shaking his head like a dog who's wet and trying to dry up.

"He's Jim, you know him, the guy from the café. Remember?", I say, rolling my eyes dramatically.

"Oh, I remember now!", a lightbulb lights up in Roger's head, "Does he have a good hearing?"

"Uh, I don't know... Why?", I ask, genuinely perplexed.

"Because if he doesn't, he won't hear you moan"

As Rog says that, he stuffs my mouth with a hungry kiss. I am surprised but I stay calm and immediately kiss back. Roger lifts his head from mine.

"Quick fuck?"

"Maybe... Can I take you off the towel?"

"Only if I can touch that beautiful body of yours"

I blush but try to stay dominant. I lean over to Roger but he grabs my shoulders and throws me on the bed in the room, BRIAN'S bed. I am a bit preoccupied he could enter anytime so I just swiftly get up, run to the door, lock it with the key then return to the bed and throw myself on it.

"I'm yours now", I whisper in Roger's ear.

⚠️not so appropriate part upcoming⚠️

As he hears that, he grabs the hem of my dress and pulls it slowly up. So slowly that I'm irritated. I lift my head up to his ear and beg him to speed up. He slows even more to tease me. He finally manages to pull it completely off. For some reason, this morning, I had decided to wear some fancy lingerie. Roger notices and reddens.

"All dressed up for me..."

"Actually, it's just a coincidence, I don't know what cam through my mind this morni...", Roger shuts me up with his mouth.

"Shhh, we don't want to get caught, do we?", Roger whispers sensually.

"Ok, but now my turn", I gently push him against the wall.

I get low on my knees, my face at Roger's bellybutton level. I run my fingers on the hem of Roger's towel, brushing his lower abdomen. He shivers. I get up from the floor and kiss him deeply. During the kiss, I suddenly grab the towel with two fingers and take it off. I don't want to fuck, I just want his skin on mine, feel all his shivers and all his heartbeats.

"Hey babe, I don't really feel like fucking right now... Would you mind to just, uhm, roughly cuddle?", I ask, shy.

"Ok baby, but let me take off that sexy lingerie you have...", he asks. I can see he's hungry, for ME, but he's making a sacrifice for me!

As he's starting to pull off my panties, we hear a big rifle of knocks on the door.

⚠️ the end of this thing ⚠️

"You two don't try to dirty all my bed. And Mary's coming, don't traumatise her with your, eh, sounds. You already did with Jim, please stop, have patience until tonight. You can do whatever you want after but not now, at lunchtime in MY room", we hear Brian say with a shattered tone of voice. He sounds scared.

I dress back up reluctantly, just as Roger, who's taking a random shirt from Brian's closet. I unlock the door and we go out. Roger rushes to the living room before me and tries to "dedramatise" the situation asking Brian how big his shirt are. He doesn't succeed his mission and everyone in the living room is looking at him awkwardly.


"Mary's here, don't even try to make the situation worse!", Freddie says, looking at us. He is truly angry.

I see a blonde girl entering with some beers between her fingers.

"Hey Fred! Where can I put these?", Mary smiles and asks.

"Leave them on the counter! Me and Roger have a surprise!", Freddie says grinning.

Roger stands in front of the sofa as a leader speaking to his population.

"Me and Freddie have decided that, instead of being here, all squeezed to watch a movie we've all already seen, we would go to the cinema!"

Freddie takes a ticket out of his pocket then speaks.

"As we now have 2 more guests, you would all think "Oh no! What do we do now?"! But no, because we're going to a drive-in cinema!"

"The idea is to cook the chicken wings and then to eat them in the car! So, if one of you dares to make one fall inside MY car, you're dead", Roger adds. And he's not laughing.

"Let's go now!", I lift up from the ground where I was sitting.


Hey, this chapter is very boring.

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