The auditions

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Late, as always. How can I even manage to be always late to EVERYTHING. The pub's entry is now a few meters from me and I am sprinting towards it.

"Auditions!" is the only thing hanged to the sad white wall in the entrance. I rush inside the room with music coming out of it. A guy with short red carrot hair is playing bass extraordinarily. If the guy is auditioning, I'm done, I could never compare to him.

3 guys are sitting on a table placed in the middle of the mildly lighted room.

One of them is the most curly man I have ever seen in my whole life and he is smiling looking at the red haired player.

Then there is this one with almost ridiculous bangs but with an astonishing jawline and his nostrils are slightly open in disgust. He is looking at the boy playing.

The third one is fidgeting with the cigarette in his hand like a child, not paying attention to the magnificent sound produced by the short haired man's instrument. He has long blonde hair, and a pair of thick dark sunglasses, just like the man that hit me yester... God, it's him!

My heart bounces in my chest and I feel like I'm going to spit it out right now.

"Y/N! Is Y/N here?" screams the long curls guy.

"I'm here!" I shout while grabbing my bass and running in front of them, sitting on a stool placed there. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N!"

"Great, finally someone who seems competent! How old are you darling?" asks the bangy mister.


I am probably as red as a pepper. Why am I so young?

The handsome blonde suddenly lifts his head and takes away his Ray Ban style glasses to look at me, astonished as if he had just seen a gnome appearing out of the thin air. He realises I am the one he rushed into yesterday.

I could finally see his eyes. I have no words to describe how I am feeling, his irises are living sapphires, as blue as ice and as the deep blue ocean. My breath is cut out by the sight of his eyes of wonder united to the sublimity of his golden waves giving boundaries to his pouty cheeks surrounding his perfect pink lips and his thin yet beautiful nose.

My eyes pop out, how can a man this heavenly and gorgeous even exist?

"So Y/N, did you bring us something to play or are you going to stare at Roger any longer?" giggles the sharp jaw-lined man with his elegant voice.

"Fred, leave her alone, she's probably just stressed" whispers the curly guy to the supposed Freddie.

"I don't think Bri." exclaims the pretty blonde with a subtle sound of pride in his voice, smirking at me with his pretty upside down smile."I think she's admiring me".

The supposedly Brian gives an annoyed glance to his charming band mate.

"I actually invented a little solo. Can I play it to you?" I ask shyly.

"You see? I knew she would be great!" shouted the bangy man with excitement.

I get up from the uncomfortable wooden stool and start warming up my fingers. Then, I suddenly change the speed of my fingers, going up and down on my bass' neck and picking on the strings even faster. I am playing the riff I invented this morning.

Brian's eyes widen so much I could compare them to a fly's ones. It's so funny I have to stop playing to burst into a thunderous laugh.

All the band is looking at me, amused by my laughters. All the other participants of the casting have a terrified look on their faces, their confidence disappearing from their faces.

I amazed myself, how could I even play that solo so perfectly with all that stress and love invading me?

Freddie raised his hand and lowered his head.

"Ok sweetie, you're in" he says, taking a huge breath before talking.

Roger takes his eyes off me and my bass and looks at the 4 or 5 other participants.

"F**k off, we already found someone! Go away!" he screams with amusement but determination.

"Don't mind him. You all were fantastic." Brian intervened, addressing a dark glance to Roger, "You can all exit by the entrance door"

After only I and the my new band members are left in the room, Freddie comes to me.

"Dearie, you were absolutely amazing!"he smiled to me.

"I suggest to move in a better place than this ugly pub!" says Roger raising his two strong hands.

"Can I guide you to a cool restaurant I saw on my way here?" I asked, with blood coming to my cheeks.

"Surely dear" Freddie reassured me.


Well, this second chapter is better than the first one. Please tell me if you like this or not, I would really appreciate some encouragement.

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