A decision and a dream

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It's been some days I've not came in my apartment. I push the entrance door as I am reminded by a bow on the floor that I have a kitten in the house! C/N, my poor little kitty! I'm a dumbass, how can I forget of a living being!? I hear a meowing from the kitchen and I rush there and I see C/N perfectly healthy, almost... smiling? I then see all the dead mice and birds on the floor. Cat food is also spread everywhere on the kitchen's floor. The box must've fallen, AND THANK GOD IT FELL! I could've never have forgiven myself if C/N had died... But she's alive and well!

I climb the ladder to reach my bed. It's only 8 PM, but my social battery has for some reason dropped and I left the boys at the bar. I change into my pjs and cuddle myself between my bed's sheets, warming my body. And I suddenly have a thought, a harsh thought: maybe I shouldn't keep C/N with me, I'm not responsible enough to keep an animal with me. But to who would I give her? Certainly not a pet center or something, they would treat her shit...

I battle my ideas for two whole hours, I open my brain up to find a solution and finally, a solution comes to my mind. Veronica! And John! They seem like the kind of people who never even made a house plant die in their entire life! C/N is going to be theirs, and it will keep company to their other cat! Wait, does Veronica have another cat? I don't know, too tired to remember! Tomorrow morning I'm going to the café with C/N!

I fall asleep quickly, relieved from my latest trouble! I wake up at 3 AM because of some ambulance passing by. I actually am grateful, I can now remember a dream I was having when the ambulance woke me up.

I was flying in the sky with all of Queen. Then, Fred and Brian disappeared and only Roger remained. He hugged me from the side, but as he touched me, we began falling down the sky. We were going to crash but we were falling as feathers, so lightly and gracefully. Roger looked deep into my eyes, and I looked at him. I the felt his light touch on my cheeks, and I felt them blushing. I close my eyes and Roger kisses me passionately, his ruby lips moving with mine. It was an imperfect kiss but at the same time, the best one I had ever received and given. As we teared our lips apart, we landed on some green grass, the kind of grass you only see in movies or on golf courts. We lay on the grass and the things were starting to get freakier... but then the ambulance passed by my apartment! Damn it!

I fell asleep again and this time didn't wake up until 9 AM. As I got up, the sun was embracing my skin. I put on a black cropped t shirt and black wide jeans. I put on my pair of black boots and trace the finest line of eyeliner on my  eyelids. I pick up  C/N and direct myself to "Le Café Botanique". As I exit my house, a spatter of wind kisses my face gently and welcomes me in this not-so-Londonian weather.


I know this is short as hell, but the next one is going to be longer. And I'm sorry that this chapter is written like shit, I did this far too quickly. Goodbye my sweet honey pots!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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