The night brings advice...

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The cab stops in front of my loft and, as I'm about to pay the driver, Roger takes some of his money and pays him. I had already told him he shouldn't pay for the ride in the taxi but he visibly did not listen to me.

I swiftly insert my key in the entrance door fissure and unlock it. As I open the door, I feel a hand on my waist turning me and pinning my back to the wall next to the thin ladder.

⚠️Warning : Slight graphic description/half-smut⚠️

I feel Roger's lips smashing on mine. His are cracked and dry, mine are soft and intact but our two mouths collide perfectly and start uniting. His hands start roaming my back, already sweating from the excitement procured by his only presence. I grab his neck from behind and push him more against me. Grinding on Roger, I place my hands on his clavicles and I start caressing them with my fingertips. He shivers in the kiss. I press my thumps in the crook of his neck as he starts , biting mine, letting purple hickeys everywhere.

As he is executing his sucking, I whisper in his ear, softly but loudly.

"Roger", I murmur, letting my Italian "R" slip out of my lips and lick his ear.

Roger rudely exhales, doing a semi-moan while continuing to bite on my neck, approaching my left earlobe. As I feel the touch of his breath on it, I moan gently. He reached my sweet spot.

"Say that again", Roger asks, already knowing what the answer will be.

"Roger", I say, leaning on his ear, letting my sensuality invade his head.

"Again", Roger moans in my ear, biting my lobe,"Make me happy baby".

I am about to pronounce his name again when he harshly squeezes my butt cheek with his hole hand, pressing his nails against the green fabric of my shorts and against my sensitive skin.

"R-Rogerr", I whimper. I think this is about to get kinky.

"Let's change this monotone name, can we?", Roger smiles sexily.

"S-sure sir", I exclaim, not knowing what to add.

"What about Sire? After all you're my queen, my princess, my slave...", Roger says, degradingly.

"Yes Sire", I adhere with his decision. This is SURELY kinky now.

Knowing what is going to happen, I climb the ladder up to my bed. But in the middle of my climb, I feel something wet running over my calf. It's obviously Roger's tongue, gliding on my lower leg as the owner of it is climbing up the ladder under me. As I finally reach the bed, I don't even have the time to split on it that Roger is already there, standing in front of me. He leans in and starts slowly kissing me, penetrating his tongue in my mouth and exploring it. Meanwhile, I hear the unbuckling of a belt. The blue eyed boy suddenly breaks the kiss.

"Show me your hands", demands Roger.

"Yes da-Sire", I say, messing up with my words.  I hand out my wrists, guessing what he will do. Guessing right, I watch my man as he buckles his belt around my hands and then hangs them to my bed steel bars.

"I'll have you begging by the time I'm finished. You won't be able to play that little instrument of yours standing up for days when this act will end.", Roger kinkily smiles while starting to rip off his shirt, then mine. My shorts are following.

I am now spread out on my bed in only my bra and my culottes. My blondie boy slowly comes towards my chest and my breasts, with impatient and hungry eyes. As he starts touching me, I can't help but start moaning.

"We didn't even start and that pretty mouth of yours is already sounding like it's been two hours. I can't wait to make it sound like it's been five", Roger says, smirking with some pride printed on his pinky face, "Good girl"

"Th-thanks Sire", I whisper, out of breath.

Touching the clip of my bra and the border of my panties, he looks in my eyes, asking for consensus. I nod with my head. Roger takes it off and the fun begins...

⚠️End of the thing⚠️


I'm ABSOLUTELY NOT GOOD at writing this type of thing... Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! And sorry if this was short.

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