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The sun is shining high and the light is penetrating through the window and the thin green curtains. Visibly, I've slept too much, it must be at least 11am. I roll around in the bed to see the sleeping beauty next to me with shut eyelids, slightly open mouth and hair all over. I place a kiss on his cheek and he slowly wakes up.

"Hello princess.", Roger whispers, tired.

"Hey baby girl, Imma take a shower now. I'm feelin' filthy from yesterday.", I explain Roger.

"Baby girl? Is that a new nickname for grown ass men?", Roger asks confused.

"Yup bae", I scream at him as I enter in the bathroom and lock the door.

As water starts running down my body and taking away all the dirt and filth from yesterday activities, I can't help but think of what will happen after. After this few weeks of intense passion, what will happen? Will Roger get bored, will I get bored? Will this relationship stay stable? I suddenly hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Are you ok babe? It's been like ten minutes you're in there without even turning down the water."

"Don't worry, I was just... thinking"

"Oh, uhm... ok. By the way, I went up to your room to pick some clothes for you and Mary looked at me in a very, VERY strange way."

"Oh yeah?", I ask Roger coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body.

Roger visibly checks me out. He traces the curves of my body with his hungry eyes.

"You didn't have enough last night with your little games, didn't you?", I ask to him, lifting my brows and biting my lip.

"Nope.", he responds, still looking at me, and not in my eyes.

"Ok then.", I look at him in a challenging look.

I suddenly grab his arms, turn him around and shut him on the wall, blocking his wrists against the wall.

⚠️ pippity spicity ⚠️

"That's why I call you baby girl. You can't resist me, you melt.", I whisper sensually in his ear.

Roger is still wearing only his boxers and pyjama pants. As I press my body against him, I immediately can feel his erection,

"You're so horny baby.", I say, as I start rubbing my body up and down Roger's.

My towel finally falls.

"Oops, my bad.", I say innocently.

I feel Roger's eyes roaming around my body.

"Nah uh sweetheart, look at me in the eyes."

"But Y/N, I- AH!", Roger complains as I restrain even more his wrists against the wall.

"Look. In. My. Eyes. Understood?"

"Y-Yes Y/N."


Roger stares in my eyes. As I go on my knees, he still keeps eye contact alive. Through the fabric of the pants, I start massaging and palming Roger's erection. In pleasure, Roger lifts his head towards the ceiling but I immediately pinch his leg to attract his attention.

"Look at me Roger, I don't want to tell you again."

"Y/N, stop teasing. Please, I beg you."

"Mh, yeah, you deserve it."

As Roger hears these words, he liberates himself from my restrain and pulls down his pants and boxers. Still looking in my eyes, he takes my hair from behind and shuts my head a few centimetres from his sprung up erection.

That boy ~ Roger Taylor fanficWhere stories live. Discover now