A quick breakfast

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"Good morning lovies!", says Fred tapping on my head.

"Why the f**k are you here?! Where is the fu***ng privacy gone? In Bahamas?" I exclaim. Why in the HELL is he here?

"You left the door wide open yesterday night", Brian says, popping up from behind Freddie.

I smash my hands on my thighs in despair. How can I be so freakin' dumb?

I see Roger's eyes slightly opening, looking at me through the thin fissures letting his azure eyes bright up at the light of the day.

"Hello beautiful!", he whispers while stretching his arms and yawning.

He still didn't see Brian and Freddie. I grab the tip of my nose and puff some air out of the mouth. I point the side of the bed with my free hand and Roger blenches seeing his two best friends there, looking at him ironically.

"You two had fun last night?", smirks Freddie.

"You two go down that ladder and don't ever come the f**k back!", screams Roger.

"Hey! Calm down!", I put my hand on Roger's shoulder. He immediately calms down, "Let's go and take a breakfast"

Crash! What is that?

"AAAAH!! My arm!", I hear a scream.

Me and Roger speedily rush to the edge of the barrier protecting us from falling to the floor downstairs. Freddie is splashed on the floor with Brian looking at him in disbelief to that ridiculous and goofy scene.

"Oddio! E che succede?!", I scream, letting my mother language slip through my lips.

"He fell from the last stair. It's literally 10 cm from the floor, I would be surprised if he even gets a scratch...", Brian huffs, "What a drama queen"

I climb down the the ladder, carefully, and I run out the door and then wait for Rog, Fred and Bri to follow me. Roger is as red as my mother's disgusting lipstick. Brian is tapping him on the back, murmuring something in his ear. He reddens even more.

"Y/N! How's your cat?!", Veronica screamed while I entered her café.

"She's doing well! And you?", I giggle to her impulsive energy.

"Very well too, thanks!", she answers.

"You brought us in a museum! This is GORGEOUS!", Fred is astonished, "I need a jacket with these flower on it!"

Roger and Brian enter the coffee shop and sit down at a little table, the same I sat on yesterday with Jim.

"Hey! We're going to be very quick, we have to go in 10 minutes!", Brian tells Veronica, who is admiring Roger.

Veronica leans onto me and whispers into my ear: "Who's that blonde hottie?". I laugh out loud.

"It's my new band's drummer and he probably will be my date as he kissed me yesterday."

How can I be so confident in her?

"I knew he was too beautiful for me but for you... Oh gosh, you should deserve EVEN BETTER!", Veronica whispers again.

I'm astonished by her affirmation, by her saying that I am beautiful. No one ever told me that, not even my parents or close friends. I wanted Roger to be the first one to say this to me but anyway, this sensation of being appreciated is wonderful!

I direct my steps to the table where my friends and almost-date are seated. Vero (what a cute surname!) follows me and quickly takes our order.

"We're going to rehearse in 30 minutes, be ready!", said Roger to me, "Don't forget your bass!"

We four speedily eat and rush out of the coffee shop, not before thanking infinitely Vero for trusting us to pay after we come back.

We all jump in a cab, all squeezed in the back and Freddie tells the address to the taxi driver: "De Lane Lea studios please"


Gosh, I'm so glad I'm already here, at this point of the story! I hope you're having a good time reading this story! (Sorry if this is so short)

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