In the POOL

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"Hey sweethearts, I have two things to say. First, there's no music so why the fuck are you dancing? Second of all, can I join?"

Me and Rog laugh but we open a side of our arms to welcome Fred who puts an hand on each shoulder so we form a circle. Like if we were forming a sect, an awesome and awkward sect.

Brian and Jim finally intervene, visibly embarrassed by our childish scene. Mary comes down and we all go out.

"There's a pool at the back of the hotel!", Freddie exclaims.

"Yes! We HAVE to go take a bath. I saw at the reception they sell some swimming suits. I'm going!", Mary runs away.

"Baby, wait for meeee!", Freddie runs desperately laughing.

We all follow our crazy couple and buy some cheap swim suits. Except for Jim, that has an intolerance to chlorine. The boys and Mary instantly jump in the pool but I stop to put some sun screen on. Not because my skin is sensitive but because if I don't, I will become more yellowish and not more like olive-toned. My mother had always told me it was super ugly. Then I jump too, right on Brian.


"Y/N, what in the hell?"

"Sorry, did I hurt you?"


"Oh I'm sorry. Then, you have the right to throw me in the water whenever you want. But only ONCE."

"Well, then you hurt me too! Look my arm!", exclaims Roger from behind.

"Baby, you would throw me in the water anyway. Brian has a bit of respect at least for a beautiful girl like meee..."

My acting makes laugh everybody, even Jim, who looks so badass with his sunglasses on, watching us from the pool border.

"GUYS, WATCH ME!", I hear scream, as I see a blond lightning running and bomb-jumping into the water.

"Mary!", Freddie slowly swims towards the more deep part of the pool.

"Hey Fred...", Mary locks her arms behind his neck.

We all leave the shallow side of the pool to join our cute friends. Freddie has become a living red pepper while his eyes are locked with the beautiful Mary's ones.

"Roger, come here!", I say as I wave my hand to him.

"N-No Y/N."

"Why not?"

"Uhm.. Can you come here please?"

"Oh my god... YES, I'm coming...", I make a pathetic face as Roger's smile fades away.

Roger walks very slowly in water towards me and whispers in my ear:

"I can't swim, I never learned."

I don't feel anymore like gently mocking him, I just wrap my arms around him as a reassuring mother, or big sister, and whisper him sweet nothings in his ear. Finally, his sadness sweeps away. His big sharp smile reappears but only for a second, because he drags me in a passionate kiss. The water makes me fluctuate and I feel like in a dream. My lips on his, his tongue on mine, I feel like this equity is like a resolved puzzle, meaning I found him, I found my boy. That boy.


Hello guys, it's been two months. I know, I'm terrible. Plus, this chapter is short as hell. But probably I would never even have published it without the sustain of a friend I will not mention here and without the recurrent sweet comments of emaMT8 motivating me. Now everybody, stop reading stories on Wattpad for today and listen your fav Queen album! That's it until the next update, my ducklings.

That boy ~ Roger Taylor fanficWhere stories live. Discover now